Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Microsoft releases free antivirus software

No cost security protection for your Windows PC

Redmond Giant Microsoft Corp, announced its new security software program which can be downloaded  starting on Tuesday. The software program is said to be free with daily updates and upgrades to protect computers from viruses and password stealing programs. Microsoft added that it won’t make computers run slower with minimal specs as stated above:

Operating System: Genuine Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or Service Pack 3); Windows Vista (Gold, Service Pack 1, or Service Pack 2); Windows 7

  • For Windows XP, a PC with a CPU clock speed of 500 MHz or higher, and 1 GB RAM or higher.
  • For Windows Vista and Windows 7, a PC with a CPU clock speed of 1.0 GHz or higher, and 1 GB RAM or higher.
  • VGA display of 800 × 600 or higher.]
  • 140 MB of available hard disk space.
  • An Internet connection is required for installation and to download the latest virus and spyware definitions for Microsoft Security Essentials.
  • Internet Browser:
    Windows Internet Explorer 6.0 or later.
    Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or later.
  • Microsoft Security Essentials also supports Windows XP Mode in Windows 7. For more information see the system requirements for Windows XP Mode in Windows

About Microsoft Security Essentials

Microsoft Security Essentials provides real-time protection for your home PC that guards against viruses, spyware, and other malicious software.

Microsoft Security Essentials is a free* download from Microsoft that is simple to install, easy to use, and always kept up to date so you can be assured your PC is protected by the latest technology. It’s easy to tell if your PC is secure — when you’re green, you’re good. It’s that simple.

Microsoft Security Essentials runs quietly and efficiently in the background so that you are free to use your Windows-based PC the way you want—without interruptions or long computer wait times.

Microsoft Security Essentials is available for download here.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Inevitably my Goodbye post had to be followed up with another one on what I am doing presently. If you have me as your contact in any of the popular social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc., you would have already known about this. Anyway, here goes. I have joined Yahoo!.

My primary focus of work at Yahoo! would be on HiFi Prototyping. I expect it to be challenging and interesting. Let’s see what’s in store…! hmmmm…..

Btw… here’s a snap that my Wife fished out of this blog… From a very old post.

This was taken when I was in Sunnyvale. It does bring back memories from those days… I had completely forgotten about this photo. But my wife remembered!

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Tehát tegnap volt az a nap amikor elmentem a Mac Mini G4-ért. Proci 1.33 Ghz, memória 1 GB, winyó eredetileg 40 GB. A winyó cserét ma reggel alkottam meg egy 80 GB-osra. A gépre a legfrissebb Tiger (10.4.11) került.

Megjegyezném, hogy az E61-em gond nélkül megy a iSync-el.

Felkerült egy kupac szoftver is. Mindenféle sorrendiség nélkül: Firefox, VLC, Adium, Transmission, Carbon Copy Cloner, Burn, The Unarchiver

Widgetek: iStat Pro, Currency Converter

Mo Dapat Barang Terbaru??


TElectronik Mewah Secara Gratis dari Internet Hanya Dg Langkah Sederhana… Pertama Kali Terbuka Untuk Diketahui Orang Indonesia!”

…Dan Akan Membuat Anda senang Melebihi Mimpi Anda!

Perhatian: Satu Dari metode cari barang gratisan Yang Paling Canggih, Mengesankan, Rahasia Dan Terkenal! Pertama Kali Di Indonesia…

Hari: Sabtu, Jam 4:06 WIB
Di: Sebuah pinggiran kota di Solo

Kepada teman-teman semua,

“Saya minta anda untuk mengunci pintu anda … tutup telephone …matikan email dan messanger anda …siapkan makanan kesukaan anda dan pelajari setiap kata – kata dalam halaman ini – karena sangatlah Menentukan keberhasilan anda !”

Apa yg akan saya ajarkan adalah “Bagaimana” untuk mendapatkan barang-barang elektronik mewah dari luar negeri tanpa bermodal apapun alias gratis.

Tapi yg pertama anda harus yakin…

Kosongkan pikiran anda, Buka pikiran anda dan lupakan SEMUA HAL yang pernah kamu lakukan untuk memiliki barang elektronik mewah tapi harus kumpul-kumpul duit terlebih dulu..Jika ada yang gratis..kenapa harus bayar !

Ini bukan gurauan!

Metode ini hanya berlaku bagi semua warga negara Indonesia yang sudah berumur 15 tahun keatas..dibawah umur itu, barang gratis pesanan anda tidak akan terkirim.

Pada dasarnya saya dapat memesan apa saja, dan kapan saja saya mau dari situs pemilik barang gratis ini. Saya ngga pusing lagi mikir harus punya duit untuk membeli barang elektronik mewah itu semua. Saya betul betul mendapatkan banyak kiriman Gagdet baru secara gratis, sampai ngga tau mau di kemanakan lagi!

Cukup mengenai saya… kenapa saya memberi tau anda ini semua? Karena saya ingin memberi tau anda rahasia saya mengenai rumus info barang gratis yang saya namakan Free Amazing Gagdet Versi 5.2. Sampai hari ini, saya sama sekali belum pernah buka rahasia mengenai keampuhan metode yang saya miliki ini kepada siapapun di Indonesia.

Waktu pertama kali saya mulai mendapatkan “Barang gratis” yang luar biasa ini, saya sama sekali ngga berniat untuk buka rahasia ini kepada siapapun, sampai kapanpun. Tetapi, sekarang saya memutuskan untuk membuka rahasia ini untuk semua orang di Indonesia.

Baca Terus….

Ya, pencarian anda akhirnya berakhir juga…Bersiaplah untuk mendapatkan barang-barang elektronik mewah dari internet hanya dengan melakukan langkah pemesanan..satu..dua..dan..tiga.. dan sebuah barang elektronika mewah siap terkirim dan anda miliki selamanya…

Jika anda menginginkan untuk memiliki barang-barang elektronik  mewah secara gratis dari internet dengan hanya melakukan langkah sederhana dan tanpa keluar modal alias gratis anda perlu benar benar menyimak apa yang saya tuliskan dibawah ini.

Sekarang anda dapat memiliki barang -barang barang “>elektronik secara gratis dari internet hanya dengan melakukan pemesanan di sebuah situs web lalu barang dikirim kerumah anda! Apa maksud nya…untuk saya ialah ngga nggak “>perlu lagi kumpul-kumpul uang untuk beli handphone baru, nggak perlu lagi nabung sampai nggak bisa jajan untuk beli laptop Toshiba keluaran terbaru, nggak perlu lagi kredit selama 1 tahun untuk beli Televisi 29 Flat samsung..semua tinggal pesan..dan barang dikirim secara gratis..

Bayangkan Anda Akan Menggenggam dan memiliki Barang-barang elektronik Mewah ini menjadi milik anda, Beberapa Menit Lagi Dari Sekarang!

Nama saya biasa di panggil Dion, umur 24 tahun. Impian saya dulu ngga jauh beda dari anda juga, saya dulu ada diposisi anda seperti sekarang yang senang mencari barang-barang gratisan dari internet, menjadi seorang mahasiswa yang yang serba kekurangan sangat menyedihkan dan memprihatinkan. Betapa tidak, saya dulu kuliah dikampus kumpulan anak orang kaya yang mempunyai hobi gonta-ganti gadget (barang elektronik) mahal. hampir tiap ketemu mereka menyodorkan Hape dan laptop keluaran baru. Sedangkan saya kemana-mana masih naik Bis kota dan handphone pun tak punya…

Saya jadi malas kuliah waktu itu dan semakin minder. Ditambah lagi dengan ejekan kawan saya yang mengatakan saya gaptek..nggak punya hadphonelah ..laptoplah. Saya masih ingat saat- saat itu banget!

Namun, titik tolak semua ini bermula pada saat pacar saya memutuskan untuk meninggalkan saya dan mengatakan bahwa saya ini orang yang ngga punya apa-apa. Setelah itu lebih parahnya lagi, saya kerap dikucilkan dikampus dan dicap oleh teman-teman sebagai “anak gembel” yang nggak punya apa-apa. Dengan seketika, saya kehilangan semangat dan semua keamanan yang saya miliki selama ini. Kalau ngga tahan, pasti saya pasti sudah gantung diri..

Pada satu hari, tanpa ada kejuntrungannya saya memutuskan untuk merubah sedikit nasib hidup saya setelah secara kebetulan saya membuka sebuah situs internet produsen barang-barang elektronik mewah luar negeri yang menawarkan 15000 gadget yang akan diberikan kepada netter di seluruh dunia. Situs ini benar benar memberikan inspirasi kepada saya bagaimana mendapatkan barang-barang mewah dari internet secara gratis.

Saya mulai menghabiskan berjam jam waktu dan beratus ratus ribu rupiah untuk mengakses internet untuk memperlajari bagaimana cara mendapatkan barang elektronik gratis dari internet. Lucunya ngga satupun menghasilkan apa apa buat saya. Saya seperti jalan ditempat, tabungan udah makin tipis buat ngakses internet, dan juga belajar ini itu, semuanya nggak ada yang berhasil. Hampir saja saya putus asa, dan menyudahi metode saya mencari barang elektronik gratis dari internet.

Tuhan Memberikan sebuah jalan kepada Saya…

Satu hari ada email lucu yang masuk kedalam inbox email saya yang isinya ide rahasia cara mencari barang elektronika mewah dari luar negeri secara gratis di internet. Idenya agak ngawur tapi sederhana. Tadinya saya ngga percaya bahwa itu akan berhasil, namun ternyata itu benar benar berhasil.

Yang saya lakukan hanya mengikuti langkah sederhana yang disarankan, dan “Viola” sebuah DVD PORTABEL dikirim dari luar negeri ke rumah saya melalui Jasa kurir kiriman Luar negeri FeDEX TNT .

Paket pertama saya yang dikirim dari luar negeri, didalamnya berisi DVD portabel.

Gadget pertama yang saya peroleh dari Internet…lumayan buat pamer-pameran ama teman..

“Bukti Yang Tak Terpungkiri metode Saya Berhasil!”

Metode saya benar benar berhasil! Saya ingin berbagi rahasia caranya memesan barang elektronik gratis dari internet, supaya anda juga bisa mulai mendapat gadget mewah tersebut seperti saya !
Yang paling gila ialah gagdet yang ditawarkan adalah berjumlah 15000 item mulai dari piranti komputer, alat masak, olahraga, laptop, handphone, pda dll.  Semua keluaran teknologi terbaru dan diberikan gratis kepada anda.

Hidup sekarang sudah sangat beda sejak saya bisa “>memiliki barang-barang elektronik mewah dari internet. Saya akan membagi sistem rahasia saya buat anda supaya anda bisa memiliki barang-barang dari internet secara gratis dengan teknologi mutakhir bukan elektronika kuno yang ketinggalan zaman. Dan nantinya bisa anda pamerkan ke tetangga atau teman anda. Barang-barang ini bisa anda jual kembali dengan harga mahal..

Dengan Menggunakan “Metode Rahasia Saya” Anda Bisa Memesan dan mendatangkan secara gratis barang-barang elektronik mewah dari luar negeri. Hanya dengan sekedip mata dari ruang keluarga atau ruang tidur anda…

Saya hanya mahasiswa biasa. Namun pukul rata saya dapat kiriman rata-rata 1 barang elektronik mewah dari sebuah situs di internet setiap bulannya. Tapi yang lebih canggih, saya ngga perlu keluar uang sepersenpun untuk mendapatkanya tidak terkena pajak, ongkos kirim atau lainnya. Saya sekarang bisa bergaya dengan hadphone baru, bawa laptop kemana-mana, bisa nonton film dengan televisi flat layar lebar 29 inchi yang semuanya saya dapatkan gratis dari internet..

Dulu Saya Bukan Apa Apa, Sekarang Saya Miliki Segalanya!
Dulu saya adalah seorang mahasiswa yang diremehkan . Sekarang saya sudah “bermethamorfase” menjadi anak muda yang parlente yang memiliki koleksi barang-barang elektronik mewah dari internet.

Sejak saya menemukan rumus ini, hidup saya sudah berbalik arah, tentu bukan kearah yang jelek, rasanya hidup saya sekarang seperti khayalan karena dikirimi gadget mania keluaran terbaru secara terus-menerus dari sebuah situs di internet. Saking banyaknya..ingin saya menjualnya barang-barang tersebut ke orang lain tetapi saya berpikir ulang, saya ingin menjadikannya kenang-kenangan bahwa saya pernah dapat barang gratis dari internet kepada anak cucu saya kelak.

Bayangkan Jika Anda…

Memiliki laptop mewah 250 Gb DVDrw merek Toshiba yang dapat untuk berinternet ria.
Memiliki Handphone Layar sentuh terbaru dengan piranti Full set didalamnya
Memiliki Televisi 29 Inchi layar lebar yang dapat anda nikmati bersama pacar atau anak istri tercinta
Memiliki Handycam yang dapat merekam aktivitas keluarga tercinta anda.

Dan semuanya itu bisa anda dapatkan secara gratis dari sebuah situs di internet…

Mengapa Saya Membuka Metode Rahasia Ini Kepada Anda ?

Anda pasti terheran heran kenapa saya sudah memiliki segalanya tapi masih menyempatkan diri untuk membuka rahasia saya pada anda. Ada DUA alasan :

1. Yang pasti, saya sudah memiliki banyak barang elektronik mahal dari internet tanpa perlu keluar duit. Saya bisa memesan dan memesannya lagi..menimbunnya di rumah saya bahkan saya jual kalau perlu. Tapi bayangkanlah hidup ini jika kita tak berbuat apa apa lagi. Oleh karena itu tujuan hidup saya sekarang ialah membantu orang seperti anda untuk mendapatkan yang anda idam-idamkan selama ini..

2. Saya sadari dengan melihat apa yang terjadi pada orang lain jika saya tidak melakukan sesuatu pada hidup saya, saya akan mati muda. Lebih baik saya curahkan waktu dan usaha saya untuk membantu orang lain untuk mencapai mimpi HIDUP nya. Paling tidak saya tau bahwa saya telah memanfaatkan waktu saya untuk membantu banyak orang menggapai mimpinya mendapatkan barang-barang mewah tanpa keluar uang seperti yang saya dapatkan dalam metode yang membuat saya seperti sekarang ini.

Memperkenalkan “FREE AMAZING GADGET VER.5.2″ Metode Jitu Cara mendapatkan barang elektronik gratis dari internet.

Call: 0899 522 1957

Friday, September 25, 2009

iPhone® and Blackberry® Users Offered Military-Grade Encryption

Now Gold Lock Enterprise™ extends their ability to provide triple-layer voice and data encryption to iPhone and Blackberry users seeking to protect their voice and data transmissions from being monitored and intercepted by hackers, competitors, intelligence agencies, and criminals.

Rehovot, Israel (PRWEB) September 19, 2009 — Gold Line Group Ltd. ( today publicly announced the newest upgrade to their Gold Lock Enterprise™, a triple layer end-to-end encryption suite that now supports iPhone and Blackberry in addition to its legacy support for Nokia® cell phones, computers, and Windows® mobile devices.

Government and civilian Gold Lock users depend upon the software to turn their cell phones, PCs andhandheld computers into an encrypted digital fortress thanks to military-grade encryption algorithms God lock licenses from the Israeli Ministry of Defense.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Nokia - el portatil

En las jornadas de puertas abiertas de Velneo comenté que Nokia es nuestro socio tecnológico y que si queremos ver por donde irá el futuro debemos fijarnos en los movimientos del gigante. Nokia es el dueño de QT por tanto todos sus movimientos son importantes a medio y largo plazo para la comunidad de desarrolladores en Velneo V7.

El último movimiento de Nokia es que se ha introducido en el mercado de los portátiles aquí os dejo con su presentación. Tenemos que estar atentos y alinear nuestros esfuerzos.

Mobile Opportunities: Nokia Life Tools

Nokia Life Tools is a service aimed toward emerging markets that focuses on providing information on agriculture, education, and entertainment. The service will operate on the Nokia 2323 Classic and 2330 Classic, practical devices that are already in production. This service hopes to make technology accessible to developing areas in a way an iPhone couldn’t due to high costs. Nokia has a variety of interesting projects underway as the company works to compete with apple and expand the idea of mobile technology.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Intel wants to put oomph into its software to open it up to more mobile apps

Intel is looking to expand its reach into mobile devices, and it showed off features of the next version of its Moblin operating system that may find its way into mobile phones and smartphones.

During the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco, the chipmaker demonstrated the 2.1 version of its Linux-based OS. The company initially targeted the OS at its netbook lineup, but the latest version features phone functionality. Moblin 2.1 also has strong integration with calendars, social networking, and news updates, and it was reminiscent of what Motorola is trying to do with its MotoBlur service for the Android-powered Cliq.

Intel also indicated it wants to beef up its software to make it easier for developers to create applications for its platforms.

“We’re flushing out the software side,” said Intel CEO Paul Otellini at the conference. “In these new spaces, in [consumer electronics] and in handhelds in particular, and to some extent in netbooks, the Intel side of the world is lacking the viral apps development that you see, say, on the iPhone.”

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Video del nuevo Nokia N900

Video de lanzamiento del Nuevo Nokia N900. Su sitema operativo es Maemo(Linux) y es el primero en ser teléfono móvil. Como sabeis Nokia lleva trabajando con Maemo desde el año 2005 (Nokia 770), después salieron al mercado Nokia 800 y Nokia 810, todos… catalogados como “Internet Tablet PC”…Seguramente nunca hayais visto ninguno…el motivo, evidente, no son teléfonos,… La fecha de lanzamiento apróximada es a partir del 9 de octubre.

Podcast: Talking with Matt #15

It’s time for another podcast (24 min) with Matthew Bennett:
- Audio version
- Video version

This week is full of goodness!

First, we discussed the Nokia N900, the Nokia X6, my Burning Man pictures (taken with the Samsung Memoir and the Nokia N97), the Nokia N97 mini, the Motorola CLIQ, and the HTC Hero (CDMA version)…

Then, check out my rant about the Nokia 7705 (Twist), and the (WiFi-less) Palm Pixi

Click here to subscribe to this podcast.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lançado Nokia N95 com Comes With Music

Uma nova versão do Nokia N95 8GB chega ao mercado brasileiro a partir de hoje para os clientes da TIM. Ele será o terceiro modelo receber no Brasil o Comes With Music, serviço que oferece aos consumidores, gratuitamente, até cinco milhões de músicas para download.

Com isso, quem comprar a nova versão do aparelho nas lojas da TIM poderá, durante um ano, baixar de forma ilimitada as músicas de seus artistas prediletos. Isso pode ser feito tanto pelo PC quanto pelo Nokia N95 8GB Comes With Music.

A Nokia teve a preocupação de fechar um acordo com as quatro principais gravadoras do mercado fonográfico, além de selos independentes e editoras musicais do Brasil e do exterior. Tudo isso para oferecer a você um serviço mais completo e diferenciado.

O Nokia N95 8GB está disponível exclusivamente na cor preta. Seu visor de 2,8 polegadas proporciona conforto tanto na visualização de vídeos quanto na navegação pela web. Com 8GB de memória, é possível armazenar até 20 horas de vídeo ou seis milhões de músicas. Ele conta ainda com outros recursos, como câmera digital de cinco megapixels, conexão Wi-Fi/W-LAN e GPS e A-GPS.

Além do Nokia N85 8GB, também estão disponíveis com o Comes With Music no Brasil o Nokia 5800 e o recém-lançado Nokia N97.

Fonte: Techlider

Nokia BH-905 Noise Cancellation Bluetooth Stereo Headphone review - part 3

Audio quality

To gauge the audio quality of the headphone, I dug out my iPod 5G and a set of Philips in-ear headset ($25 usd). I use a couple of songs I really enjoy: Desperado (Live), Hotel California (Live) by The Eagles (Hell Freezes Over album).

Here is what I did to compare.  I played the songs from my iMac, with the Philips and BH-905 plugged-in.  I then tried the same with the iPod 5G and finally, the E71 (with the supplied converter plug).   I found the Philips provides a cleaner sound whereas the BH-905 seems to be softer as if there is a cloth covering it.  The Philips also gives more detail, has a more punchy base and comes across as crispier.  To ensure I am not biased, I had my wife tried, she also confirms this observation.  I am somewhat disappointed with the result as I had set my expectation with Nokia’s marketing material.

More to come…

Nokia N97 vs iPhone

The iPhone, even amidst a furious onslaught of competitor smartphones, has for the most part retained its title as the leader in the smart phone or touchscreen market. The reason for this is that many competitors have managed to nail the replication of or improvement on one of the iPhone’s many strengths, but have fallen short of the well-rounded appeal of the iPhone. Somebody should have told Nokia that it’s simply unfair to storm the scene and blow away the iPhone all at once.

The Internet is abuzz today regarding Nokia’s announcement of its new flagship device, the N97. I use the term device because, even though it functions in the capacity of a mobile phone, it is so much more. In fact, Nokia isn’t dubbing it a mobile phone…they call it a mobile computer.

Not a netbook or a smartphone. It is the first true computer the size of a normal mobile phone. You might be thinking, well most phones have high-speed data, qwerty keyboards, onboard memory and intuitive operating systems and graphical user interfaces…how does the N97 stand out?

First off, the N97’s memory capacity dwarfs the storage of all smartphones on the market, boasting 32 Gb of onboard storage with space for up to an additional 16 Gb. The N97 contains a 5-megapixel Carl Zeiss camera assembly capable of taking 30 frame per second DVD-quality video, a full touchscreen capabilities coupled with full keyboard and tilting touch display, and GPS.

That’s the hardware side of it. In execution, the handset is simply breathtaking. Perhaps most impressive is the home screen design of the GUI; whereas on other smart handsets, users are forced to browse through applications to view updates to individual platforms and applications. Not so with the N97; users can add and rearrange widgets for their favorite social networking and media platforms on the homescreen, which updates information to each widget continuously.

Forget waiting for an update to reach your email and then display a new message in your inbox on your handset; instant updates displayed directly on your home screen. Some are even calling the N97 the Facebook phone, obviously because the handset will be the first to make continuous social networking in one’s pocket a reality.

Video rendering is gorgeous. The camera can capture DVD-quality video at 30 frames per second, and playback doesn’t disappoint in the slightest. The media player reflects a simplicity like that of the iPhone, employing simple controls and easy navigation.

The tilting touch display looks to be of the highest caliber, comparable if not superior to any other on the market today. Tilting the screen back and forth requires little effort, but isn’t flimsy. When tilted, the screen leaves plenty of real estate available for the full QWERTY keyboard, which contains well-spaced, appropriately-sized keys.

Nokia didn’t engage in the game of iPhone imitation, unlike many handset manufacturers. On paper, Nokia has bested the iPhone in just about every way.

That leaves two questions: what will the price be, and once it is in consumer hands, how will it perform? Flashy debuts will always put a product in the best possible light, and Nokia isn’t particularly known for making cheap handsets. Obviously the N97 isn’t what you might call inexpensive, considering just the hardware of the mobile computer and not the overall performance of the operating system, UI or other aspects. That’s what I like to call the wait-n’-see factor.

The N97 is projected to ship in the first half of 2009 for a price of 550 Euros before taxes and the all-important carrier subsidies. Who wants to call Steve Jobs to see what plans he has for the next iPhone, and whether or not he plans on replacing his handset with this lovely little mobile computer?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

OneDotZero: N900 Visit to London

Well I (gerrymoth) touched down in London Heathrow Airport from Glasgow Airport on  Saturday at 830am, then was quickly on route to meetup with the WOMWorld/Nokia Team  (Donna and fellow scot Robbie) and five other guests (Jay, Nick, Valerio, Roger and  Mick) from around the world for Breakfast in the Cavendish Hotel.

When I arrived the WOMWorld/Nokia Team introduced themselves and a N900 was thrusted  into my hand to play with. WOW what a welcome

Once everyone else arrived we moved into the breakfast room and I’ve never wolfed down  a fried breakfast as quickly in my life to allow me to sit and test out the N900.

The N900 has four desktops which you can add widgets, bookmarks, contacts and  shortcuts to, you move between desktops by swiping left or right. Up on the top left  hand corner is the menu icon and the normal phone ones like battery, network signal,  bluetooth, wifi, etc.. Touch the menu icon and the menu grid appears like it does on  normal S60 type phones. From the menu everything looks quite phone like rather than  tablet like.

I opened up every application I could and ended up with multiple ‘windows’ like boxes  which you can quickly switch between. I really liked this windows look and hope they  can change or theme the menu grid in some way to make it a bit better looking. Moving  around the desktop/menu/applications once you get used to it (took me 10min) is very  easy and VERY VERY fast.

The N900 didn’t have a SIM Card in it and the hotel Wifi wouldn’t let me connect, so  Joikuspot on the E55 came in very handy and I quickly tethered the N800 to the O2  Mobile Internet (O2 internet policy I say ‘Bla bla bla’). I managed to check for  software updates on the N900 and found there was a new one waiting, but required me to  connect to the PC and NSU to update. I then checked for the available apps to install  and was presented with a short lists, maybe the extras repositories hadn’t been setup,  but I managed to install Documents To Go, QIK and an Evernote add-on, which took a  minute to install all of them.

I took a few photos using the Camera and tested out the Tagging feature and also took  a video of the others eating breakfast and played it back to see what it was like.  Pictures and video looked good, but didn’t manage to extract off the phone (reason  will be explained later). I noticed a few videos already installed on the N900 and  played a great trailer for the new Tim Burton movie 9 on it. The picture and the sound  for the trailer were superb, the video is flickerless and sound was BANGING. The sound  was way better than the sound on my (still in repair, Day 29) 5800XM.

I opened the Notes application on the deivce to test out the keyboard and found the  keyboard’s 3 row layout very easy to use in the hand and the slide felt good opening  and closing it, not as godlike a sound as the N97 snap, but still pleasurable

Opened Maps application, but couldn’t get a GPS lock due to being in the Hotel and  unable to see sky, but noticed there was no maps loaded on the device or thinking  about it, maybe it only had Finland maps? Anyway couldn’t test fully, but did notice  the Compass feature in the maps app.

I had not contacts and didn’t want to add my email details onto the device, but the  mail setup looked Nokia Messaging like and contacts looked standard, later on we saw  one of the guys with his contacts on the desktop and Chat/IM app running and it looked  cool. There is no MMS as such yet, but been told its coming in the next kernel update.  I did ask what else was missing, but no one said anything!

We all finished breakfast and jumped into a taxi to take us all down to the BFI to  meet the N900 represetatives.

At the BFI Southbank we meet up with Jussi Makinen (N900 Marketing Manager), Andrew  Flegg (The Maemo Community) and Gary Birkett (Liqbase application developer Jussi dropped the bombshell that he had to leave in about an hour  and the devices we had need to go back with him, so while he took Q&A I had to pass  the device over to one of the other bloggers who hadn’t had a play with it yet BOO!

Anyway Jussi took questions from us all and explained a little about the N900  development todate. I did try recording the Q&A on my E55 using the default Recorder  app, but the E55 didn’t saved the file (Aaaaahhh!). The main points of interest I got  out of the Q&A session was:

- Nokia listened to the Maemo Community when developing the N900 and will continue to  listen to them. The Mameo Community has 25,000 members at present.

- There will be a N900 Hackers Firmware Edition for N810 users (like the 770 had when  N800 appeared). Jussi explained the N810 is very capable of running the N900 OS, but  the chip in the N810 doesn’t have the required license to use it and would need  drivers from the manufacturer, something Nokia are talking with the manufacturer about  to obtain.

- The N900 will be on sale at the MAEMO Summit on 9th october 2009.

- Nokia see the N900 more for techie people and the N97 more for mainstream people.

- The available memory in the N900 to install applications, currently 65MB only, will  be extended in an update to 1GB.

- The straight slide out keyboard was chosen instead of the newer N97 slide, divertly  from feedback from the community on what they preferred. If the community in the  future prefer the N97 slide, then Nokia may change?

We managed to have some time after the presentations to visit one of the many London  attractions and we were treated to the London Eye. Great views of the whole of London  and we managed to give a video comment to the WOMWorld/Nokia Team on our thoughts of  the N900. If I don’t look too good on the video the temperature in the all glass pod  on a very sunny London day was a little hot.

I managed to visit the Nokia Flagship Store in London and also the Apple Store  straight across the road from it. I did buy my Wife a replacement Newer iPod Shuffle  2GB from the Apple Store, but I did try to hide it when I walked past the Nokia Store  again

Later on in the evening we ventured back to the BFI as the sun faded to see the onedotzero demonstration, the N900 being used remotely to control images coming from  several projectors, I can’t explain it well so here is the video I took.

I did have some fun by putting up nokiAAddict and gerrymoth, but it ended up getting  rediculous when Neil put up Merry Christmas, that was our queue to go for dinner and  have a free beers. I have a great meal with Neil, Jay, Valerio and Roger and we  discussed many different techie subjects. Good night, good company and good beer


The N900 excites me, its coming near to what I want from my phone, a MINI PC. I’ll be  able to do what I want, when I want and where I want. The more developers get on board  with the Maemo Community the possibilities are endless, that’s not saying there isn’t  much there already. The N900 is feature packed and the fastest nokia device I’ve used  and I’m hoping one of the UK Networks see sense and carry this phone. Come on  networks, get over the Open Source tag, its still a phone you’ll flog by the millions.

I’m hoping to get a N900 in a few weeks to trial out fully, so will be able to give  you a full indepth review of the device, but for the 2 hours I had the device I was  hooked on it.

Checkout the other guest bloggers views on the N900 and see me on the WOMWorld/Nokia  video (Ah!)






WOMWorld/Nokia Video

Finally a BIG BIG THANKS to the WOMWorld/Nokia Team for inviting me to this event and the great hospitality on the day. Was a wonderful day and a great experience. Hope its the 1st of many???? :-p

Specifications of Motorola U9

Firstly, unlike many cell phones that boast MP3 player functionality by way of a supplementary function, the Motorola U9 seems to have turned the tables somewhat in being primarily a feature rich MP3 player that comes with integral cell phone functionality and its notable that Motorola is undoubtedly promoting the Motorola U9 from this angle. The second thing that strikes you is just how similar the Motorola U9 looks style-wise to Creative’s Zen Stone MP3 player but perhaps that’s just us. Still, if Creative’s device has in anyway served as an inspiration it’s by no means a bad thing.

Finished in what Motorola refer to as a ‘metallic gloss, jewellery finish’ the Motorola U9 is a clamshell device boasting a borderless organic light emitting diode 1.45″ 65K outer display unit which comes complete with touch sensitive controls that appear as and when required. A further 2.0″ QVGA 262 TFT display unit is also included on the interior of the device for use when the phone is flipped open.

The device, which measures in at 90mm x 48.6mm x 16.4mm and weighs 87.5g, comes with 25MB of internal memory which can be further expanded to up to 4GB thanks to an on-board MicroSD card slot and supports all the usual suspects as far as file formats are concerned MP3, AAC, AAC+ and WMA with music transfer provided courtesy of Windows Media Player 11.

However, whilst the Motorola U9 also comes with integral stereo Bluetooth connectivity allowing for the use of wireless headsets and headphones as well as Motorola’s CrystalTalk technology which is purported to offer better call clarity as far as cell phone functionality is concerned, the Motorola U9 is a fairly rudimentary Quad-Band GPRS affair offering SMS, MMS, WVIM and EMS 5.0 messaging with a listed talk time of 430 minutes and a standby time of up to 350 hours and an integral camera rated at a fairly mundane 2.0 megapixels. For more details

Friday, September 18, 2009

Nokia Braille reader

Application Lunch

Nokia Braille Reader es una nueva aplicación desarrollada entre Nokia, la Universidad de Tampere, y la Federación Finlandesa de deficientes visuales. El resultado es una aplicación creada con la intención de mejorar la accesibilidad, concretamente representa una gran ayuda para la lectura de mensajes SMS a ciegos y deficientes visuales.

Esta aplicación captura mensajes SMS recibidos y los coloca en primer plano para su lectura en Braille ayudándose para ello de la retroalimentación táctil.

Read Screen

La aplicación debe ser abierta previamente para que esté alerta a los mensajes entrantes, pero funciona en segundo plano sin molestar en el resto de actividades, lo ideal para personas con este tipo de deficiencias es colocarla en la barra de acceso rápido de la página de inicio.

En el momento que nos llega un mensaje se abre la aplicación, que no es más que una ventana con varias zonas, una superior con el texto y un botón grande para empezar a leer el mismo, y una zona intermedia que vibra un par de veces al ser tocada para ver que el programa está en funcionamiento.

Por último tenemos la zona inferior desde donde podremos ocultar la aplicación de nuevo, cerrarla o entrar en la configuración, todos ellos confeccionados con botones de tamaño considerable.

Cuando solicitamos que nos lea el mensaje, entramos en una nueva pantalla en la que se nos presentará el mensaje carácter a carácter, si dejamos pulsada la pantalla el lector irá punto por punto definiéndonos si es negro o blanco dependiendo de si la vibración es mayor o menor, y de esta forma conformar el carácter en Braille.

También podemos volver atrás o ir hacia adelante en los caracteres con las teclas de volumen, y cuando termine el mensaje se producirá un zumbido largo.

Nokia Braille Reader es compatible con los dispositivos basados en S60 5ed edición, entre los que encontramos el Nokia N97 y Nokia N97 Mini, Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, 5530, 5230 y X6.

Aqui os dejo un video de demostración por gentileza de la gente de Nokia Beta Labs

Yo voy a instalarlo en un Nokia 5800

Vía | Daily Mobile.

Sitio oficial | Nokia Beta Labs.

Vídeo | YouTube.

Disabling Camera Sounds

Now that my phone’s happily “hacked” by HelloOX2, I’m finally able to try turn off the camera focus and shutter sounds! I Googled around and found an ingenious way of doing it! It’s so simple! Oh, and before I begin. Your phone will HAVE to be “hacked” for this to work. Here goes:

1. I use ROMPatcher, so firstly, you’ll have to “disable caps” using ROMPatcher (if you have the “CapsOff” app installed, use that)

2. Using X-Plore, navigate to “Z:\Private\10202be9“, and find the file “101F8809.txt“

3. Now copy “101F8809.txt” to “C:\Private\10202be9“

4. This next step is important. If you try to edit the file now, it won’t let you (because the file’s set to read-only). You’ll need to highlight the file, select Menu –> File –> Attributes, and untick “read-only”. Now you may edit the file

5. Once you’ve opened the file, scroll down to the very bottom, and you’ll find the following:

0×7 int 1 0 cap_rd=alwayspass


6. Edit the file and change the above to:

0×7 int 0 0 cap_rd=alwayspass


7. Save the file, change the file back to “read-only”, close X-plore, and using ROMPatcher again, “enable caps” (or “CapsOn” if you have that instead)

8. Restart your phone, and voila! NO CAMERA FOCUS AND SHUTTER SOUNDS!

Note: there will still be sound if your active profile has warning sounds on, so a good way of getting around this is to activate your “Silent” profile if you don’t want camera sounds.

Hope that was helpful! I’ll be sure to share more useful tips when I stumble upon them!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Growth from Technology-Based Industries

Growth from

Technology-Based Industries

Interview with Dennis Ramon Posadas

Growth Revolution: What do we need to establish technology-based industries?

Dennis Posadas: We need to create an ecosystem that’s friendly to small technology entrepreneurs so they can become large businesses. Intel started with eight engineers and now has around 80,000 people. The same thing with Nokia, an old lumber company in Finland that wanted to call its lumbermen in the forest. They had this Nordic mobile radio which became the basis for Nokia’s GSM (global system of mobile communication).

GR: How do we distinguish technology entrepreneurship from other entrepreneurship forms?

DP: We have nothing against regular entrepreneurship. But it’s just like everybody is already into it. What we want is to focus on science and technology ventures like software, hardware, semi-conductors, and other technology-related areas. We’re looking for businesses that rely on intellectual property. The Philippines has a lot of natural resources– mining, oil. These businesses are very capital-intensive, and we’re not rich in capital. But we have human resources. Our people may be poor, but they are intelligent. The trend in the new world economy is you use your human capital to transform its growth for the economy.

GR: Can the Philippines compete globally?

DP: No single country in the world can monopolize all technologies. There is always something that we can specialize in.

GR: What kind of education do we need for this?

DP: America graduates several thousand engineers and scientists annually. We should move away from obsolete programs. We have to evaluate if the curriculum is still appropriate. For example, in Mechanical Engineering, I think they’re still teaching steam engineering. Although there’s still demand for it, it’s not that big. Maybe we should take a look at new areas like microchips design. Let’s say there are about 500 technology companies in the Philippines . Is that a large number? To make a big progress, there should be 10 times more. We need to develop people who are capable of taking higher studies. Let’s develop them because they’re the kind of work that pay more, generate more wealth. We have to drop some programs and concentrate on these areas.

GR: What are critical factors to technological development?

DP: First is education. Next is research and development. The game here is maybe 50 people can design. But we need a critical mass, thousands of these people who can design. Universities have to come out with people with new skills every year. Then another pillar is entrepreneurial culture. We may have brilliant people, but the mindset maybe “I’m gonna work for a big company.” In China and the US , entrepreneurs are the smartest. There they say, “I want to become an entrepreneur because I have superior ideas.” And the environment is supportive. Also part of this culture is risk taking. You will have to do a product that no one else has done before– original intellectual property. There’s risk if no one buys it. But when it clicks, you’re the first mover. We should also have (mentoring by) successful entrepreneurs as role models talking about entrepreneurship. The mentor will teach you where to go for capital and how to be confident to sell your products to Japan, to the US.

GR: How about the role of financing?

DP: A kind of financing is loan typical in banks. The problem is a lot of people in banks are not familiar with business models. They’re only familiar with restaurants, factories. They do not necessarily understand technology businesses. So if someone comes to them proposing a chip design company, a lot of them will not be able to process the loan application. We need to educate these people about the business model of technology. For the first ten years of Microsoft, it was a small company employing not more than 20 to 30 people. But when it started to grow, it needed venture capital. But from zero to a small company, you normally go for an informal capital or you get loan financing. For some banks, it’s enough that you can show them POs (purchase orders) for you to avail of a loan. In the real venture capital, the capitalist puts money in a start-up. At the end of 10 years, he gets back his money because the life of the true venture capital is 10 years. Then the investor pulls out his money at a profit or a loss. One can also raise money through an IPO (initial public offering) or sell the company to other companies.

GR: Businesses normally involve risks. How do we lessen the risks?

DP: First, I have to explain “creative destruction” coined by Joseph Schumpeter. It says “if you want to see really successful companies, you should be willing to see many failures.” It’s like for every one start-up that grows into a Nokia, a Microsoft, or an Intel, there are 99 others which did not make it. From those failures, successful start-ups learn what not to do. For a conservative country like the Philippines , are we prepared to deal with those odds? If we don’t play the game, we will be left behind. If we can encourage incentives for people to invest in speculative start-ups maybe through tax credits, then maybe we will begin to see the emergence of companies that grow where others did not succeed.

GR Ayala has put up an incubator for technology businesses. What does this do?

DP: The value of the incubator (aside from providing auxiliary business assistance) is providing proximity to the sources of higher learning. When you want to develop it as a place like Silicon Valley, there should also be venture capitalists. The reason why we want to locate everyone in one place is very simple . The more they get to interact with one another because they’re near each other, the more they become socially closer to each other and are able to build trust and to work together. Geographic proximity is of course a multiplier because there’s concentration of brain power. For the local government, it needs to build the infrastructure. One simple example is we need a business hotel. With technology businesses, we deal with a lot of international clients—Koreans, Japanese. Where will you house them? We should make Quezon City more conducive for doing business.

GR: One local government put up a training center for animation artists for Japan, is this one of the things we should go into?

DP: You have to define carefully what is IT and what is IT-enabled. When you have PCs, IT equipment, and telephones, but the job is basically customer service, it’s IT-enabled. What we’re talking about is a focus on intellectual property based on IT businesses.

GR: What countries are now overtaking us in technology?

DP: Vietnam may overtake us if we don’t put our acts together. Taiwan definitely already did. But in the 1970’s, Taiwan and the Philippines were already both making chips, electronic equipment. The main reason why big companies (like Intel) were going to Asia was because it’s cheaper to run a business here. We established export processing zone areas, a union-free industrial estate where companies can locate their factories and employ people. However, we seem not to have outgrown that mentality. We’re increasing our number of export processing zones. But a real science and technology park is different. It has to be near centers of higher learning. Industrial zones have to be near centers of cheap labor. You have to remember that the Silicon Valley developed because in the 1930s, a dean at the Stanford University saw a world where universities work with the local community to help solve their problems. Universities are not Ivory Towers that just do research for the sake of doing research. In the 1970’s, in Taipei, they put all their top engineering, their top research facility in one area, and they built an industrial park that started attracting high-tech companies with the academe and research institutions also in that area. They purposely built it. Since they put it all in one place, normally people will interact because people are going to the same grocery, the same restaurant. Kids are going to the same school. So industry people link with the academe and research people. That’s what we’re are trying to do.

GR: Can start-ups grow by themselves as much as there have been many start-ups in Silicon Valley?

DP: The Silicon Valley model is a celebration of entrepreneurship because there they fund ideas. In the Philippines, we have some limitations and we may not probably do it the same way they are doing it, but we will try to come as close as we can.

GR: In what areas can government help?

DP: There should be massive spending in education. It should be free but quality education, and the standard should be world-class. If you have to force the new economy, government should fund education (which is estimated at P102 billion). If that’s really the cost, then government should find ways to de-prioritize other things. Just think of what happens when China learns to speak English? They’re cheaper. There are more of them. We can no longer claim it’s only we who speak English. Yes we’re able to generate chip designs, but too little. We can’t really say we’ve made science and technology a priority. It should be a national project that considers technopreneurship as a grassroots-driven, engine of growth for the poor.

GR: What can we learn from India, a world leader in IT and biotechnology?

DP: They did something significant. Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s single biggest legacy is the Indian Institute of Technology (put up after India ’s independence in 1947 aimed to develop a skilled workforce to buttress economic development). It’s like the UP system. But courses are all science and technology. Enrollment is like that of UE (about 15,500 undergraduate and 12,000 graduate students, ed.), but the quality of education matches that of the US . So if you go around the world in high-technology companies, chances are three out of five Ph.Ds in these companies are either Chinese or Indian.

(Dennis Posadas is author of “Rice & Chips: Innovation and Technopreneurship in Asia” and Ayala Foundation Inc. consultant).

Computer in your pocket

With the iPhone the expectations people have for what can be done with a device in their pocket has changed.  It’s no longer a disconnected device for storing local information but a way to do all kinds of interesting things.  Now with Nokia releasing the N900 things are going to really hot up.

The one big problem is the screen size.  For calls, SMS, a few simple emails and the odd IM the relatively small size of these devices is perfect, but with functionality increasing the screen size is going to make them kludgeier to use.  So, we either face up to the fact that these devices will always compromise on interface and usability or we start to get use to carrying around larger devices.

Samsung Application Store launched

Last Monday, Samsung Electronics has launched its Samsung Application Store.

Users of Samsung smartphones, such as the Samsung Omnia, in the UK, Italy and France have now access to mobile apps; 30 other countries will soon follow.

The  Samsung Application Store joins a large range of other app stores, including Apple App Store, Blackberry’s App World, Nokia’s Ovi and Google’s Android Market.

Read more

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Nokia to launch N900 running Linux Maemo operating system



AMSTERDAM - Nokia is seeing large interest towards its new top-of-the-range model N900, a key product for the world’s top phone maker, a senior company official said on Wednesday.

‘Since we started to show it to larger audience two weeks ago, there has been tremendous buzz and interest. A lot of interest,’ Ari Jaaksi, vice president for Maemo devices at Nokia, told Reuters on sidelines of a mobile software conference in Amsterdam.

‘Now we are finalising the package, software, hardware, marketing campaign. The goal is to get it out in October,’ Jaaksi said.

The new N900 model is Nokia’s first phone running Linux Maemo operating system.

Analysts see N900 and following Linux devices as key for Nokia to gain back ground in the coming years.

Nokia has kept its overall market share stable, close to 40 percent, but it has lost share among more expensive models to the likes of Apple.

High-end products are important for Nokia because the company has not only lost market share there, but its average selling prices have declined faster than the industry average.

Goldman Sachs has said it expects Nokia’s value share — a measure reflecting average prices and underlying market share — for phones costing more than $350 to decline to 13 percent this year from 33 percent just two years before.

Navegador GPS para Blackberry - Nav4all

Até ontem, eu nunca tinha encontrado um software navegador de GPS decente para usar com meu Blackberry. Na verdade nunca tinha conseguido fazer o GPS do meu Blackberry funcionar, ele ficava só me procurando satélites e nada. Bom, ontem à noite durante a insônia que me afeta até uma pequena parte da madrugada, baixei um software que eu já tinha testado antes e não tinha conseguido utilizar, como como eu sou teimoso…

 O Nav4all não é tudo aquilo que se espera de um navegador GPS, mas quebra o galho quand0 se fala em um software Grátis. O Nav4all é interessante pois me ofereceu muitas opções de navegação, facilitando meus trajetos que podem ser de carro, ônibus, a pé, de trem, táxi e até carro de emergência. O navegador me possibilita que eu selecione que tipo de vias eu posso evitar no meu trajeto como estradas com pedágios ou evitar autoestradas.

Você também pode escolher o estilo de dirigir, ou seja, se você é uma pessoa  econômica com relação a combustível, se você é um turista e se você está despreocupado no momento, na verdade não consegui entender no que estas opções afetam o trajeto, mas irei descobrir.


Crédito da foto: Rodrigo S. Toledo


O Nav4all possui um sistema de mapas onde você pode olhar exatamente onde você está, e cada movimento feito por você será acompanhado pelo mapa. Ele também oferece a navegação assistida, onde posso traçar o endereço completo de onde quero ir, e o navegador vai guiando com uma seta indicando o trajeto mais curto, a exata do ponto final e a velocidade que você está no momento, e mais, ele ainda possui o sistema de indicação de trajeto por voz ( muito bom! ) que pode ser escolhido entre uma voz feminina ou masculina.

O aplicativo é meio burro para encontrar os endereços corretos, ele se perde quando você coloca o número da casa ou prédio que você está a caminho. Mas o legal é que ele reconhece sua burrice, e pede que você então coloque a rua de esquina mais próxima do seu ponto final. Além de tudo ele me indica vários pontos públicos de interesse, o único que testei e aprovei foram os postos de gasolina, onde durante meu trajeto para o trabalho hoje ele me indicou onde ficavam os postos de gasolina mais próximos e suas distancias corretas, me indicando até onde eu deveria dobrar para encontrar o tal posto de combustível ( Ah, ele me deu até a Bandeira do Posto ).

Como eu falei no parágrafo acima, o Nav4all é um aplicativo um pouco burro, pois bem, fiz um teste hoje pela manhã onde gravei meu endereço de casa e fiz uma rota para o trabalho. Pedi ao Nav4all que me desse a melhor rota e ele realmente me deu, porém não me deu a mais rápida. Pois a avenida que ele indicou para chegar até meu trabalho é a mais movimentada, ainda mais às 7:30 da madrugada ( ??? ). Claro que eu não segui a orientação dele, pois chegaria atrasado no trabalho, então peguei uma rota alternativa esperando que ele refizesse a rota, e nada, ele somente me indicava pela seta como retornar ao trajeto dele! Ele ficou quietinho me mostrando no mapa onde eu estava, mas não me mostrou como chegar ao meu destino utilizando a rota que eu escolhi. Resumindo ele me disse assim ” Olha, se quiser pode ir por aí, mas se você se perder ou gastar mais gasolina o problema é seu… O meu trabalho eu Fiz!!!”, mais ou menos isso. Quando você chega ao seu destino o software lhe mostra um resumo de como foi o trajeto, mostrando o tempo, a velocidade média, distância, etc…

Mas como o Nav4all é um navegador de GPS para telefone celular, que já não são tão completos quanto os dispositivos GPS, e ainda é grátis ( Até Janeiro de 2010 ), não posso exigir demais dele. Não posso querer que um navegador GPS Free faça o trabalho de um navegador de R$ 700,00.

Resumindo, o Nav4all é um otimo navegador GPS, funciona e tem muito mais recursos que o google maps, apesar de ser um pouco mais complexo justamente por ser mais completo. Com a indicação de voz é muito mais fácil, afinal você não pode ver o mapa e dirigir ao mesmo tempo, você pode ter uma grande dor de cabeça! Eu Recomendo e vou continuar testando, coloquei abaixo o link para download direto do Blackberry pelo browser.

Espero que você baixe e tente utilizá-lo também, e todas as dúvidas, críticas e dicas vamos compartilhar aqui no Blog, se você tiver outro navegador GPS que você utiliza e recomenda, comente também.

Em breve vou estar postando mais experiências com o Nav4all e também com outros aplicativos.

Importante! O GPS só funciona em locais externos, ou seja, não espere que ele dê alguma localização dentro de casa ou escritório, vá para a janela. Outro aviso importante é que o Nav4all utiliza a rede de dados para baixar os mapas, o que facilita pois você não precisa baixar os mapas antes de usar, porém o acesso à internet pode e será cobrado pela operadora, mesmo sabendo que o Nav4all exige pouca transferência de dados. Portanto, se o seu Blackberry possui BIS com serviço ilimitado não se preocupe, mas se você não tem pacote de dados, recomendo não utilizar o aplicativo para não estourar sua conta e você me culpar por isso!

Link para Download direto do aparelho:

” O Nav4all pode também ser utilizado em alguns aparelhos Nokia e Windows Mobile, mas não testei, caso tenham dúvidas na utilização ou problemas com aparelhos Nokia acessem o blog do Rodrigo S. Toledo e deixe sua dúvida lá!”

Nokia Indonesia Mulai Memasok E72

(Foto: techno.okezone)

Nokia mengumumkan ketersediaan Nokia E72 di Indonesia mulai Selasa 15 September 2009 kemarin. Kehadiran ponsel tersebut menjadikan Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara pertama di dunia sebagai tempat peluncuran Nokia E72.

Ketersediaan smartphone Nokia terbaru dengan tombol Qwerty ini juga ditandai dengan kolaborasi dengan Biyan, yang menampilkan koleksi terbarunya, Sense.

“Indonesia merupakan salah satu pasar utama kami di Asia Pasifik dan Nokia E series memiliki perjalanan panjang di Indonesia, dimulai beberapa tahun lalu dengan kehadiran Seri Communicator yang luar biasa sukses hingga Nokia E71 yang merupakan peranti Qwerty terlaris Nokia sampai saat ini. Dengan demikian, kami bangga dapat menghadirkan 72 unit Nokia E72 pertama untuk konsumen di Indonesia,” kata Head of Marketing Nokia Indonesia Riadi Sugihtani, melalui keterangan resminya, di Jakarta, Rabu (16/9/2009).

Untuk pertama kalinya, pemilik Nokia E72 dapat menciptakan akun instant messaging (IM) OVI dari Nokia Messaging langsung dari layar utamanya. Hanya dengan memasukan username dan password, pengguna perangkat ini langsung dapat terkoneksi ke akun IM favoritnya seperti Yahoo! Messenger, Google Talk, Ovi, dan masih banyak lagi.

Selain itu, peningkatan performa termasuk kecepatan internet untuk mengunduh dan mengunggah merupakan yang akan meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna.

“Nokia E72 membawa pengalaman email bergerak yang kaya dan messaging, menjadikannya sebuah perangkat yang ideal untuk orang yang ingin tetap produktif baik dalam kehidupan pribadi maupun profesional,” Tambah Riadi.

Sebelumnya, peluncuran salah satu produk Nokia Eseries, Nokia E90 Communicator pada tahun 2007 di Indonesia adalah yang pertama di dunia. Ketersediaan Nokia E90 Communicator disambut dengan antusiasme masyarakat Indonesia yang rela mengantri untuk mendapatkan perangkat multifungsi dari Nokia tersebut. (Okezone)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Le premier modem LTE est arrivé.

Source Utile :

Dans l’industrie des télécommunications, LTE (Long Term Evolution) est le nom d’un projet au sein du 3GPP qui vise à produire les spécifications techniques de la future norme de réseau mobile de quatrième génération (4G).

Bienvenue au billet :

Et c’est le constructeur Nokia, leader incontesté du marché des téléphones mobile qui le propose. Le RD-3 offre un accès aux réseaux global GSM / EDGE, global HSPA et global LTE.

Nokia Siemens Network pour le Tout .

Le LTE est la  futur technologie a laquelle croient bon nombre d’opérateurs télécom et qui devrait a terme remplacer les normes UMTS/GPRS et GSM et offrir aux utilisateurs une connexion plus rapide qui sera davantage exploitée pour le transfert de données.

Si les réseaux LTE sont encore peu nombreux, certains comme Verizon pousse la technologie vers le haut, l’opérateur a en effet mis en place deux réseaux LTE en test à Boston et Seattle.

Ne vous réjouissez cependant pas trop vite, le RD-3 ne sera pas commercialise avant 2010 et n’est actuellement disponible que pour les opérateurs télécoms soucieux de tester leur réseau LTE.

En même temps, peu de réseaux mobiles actuellement sont compatible LTE, donc vous n’aurez pas de regret.

et le notre compatible Djezzy ou Nedjma.

Nokia 7705 Twist, Desain Ponsel Super Unik

Verizon Wireless dan Nokia telah memperkenalkan Nokia 7705 Twist, sebuah ponsel menyenangkan dengan bentuk kotak unik yang dapat diputar untuk membuka keypad full QWERTY. Terdapat tombol di ponsel Nokia 7705 Twist ini untuk akses cepat pesan, ke camera 3MP plus autofocus, browsing web, V CAST Music dengan Rhapsody, voice command, dan speakerphone. Untuk resolusi maksimal camera ponsel ini yakni 2048 x 1536 piksel, dengan fitur camera self-timer selama 10 detik, zooming, editing, dan capture video.

Selain itu, ada tombol khusus berbentuk bulatan yang dinamakan Contact Light Ring yang ada di sudut kanan bawah Nokia 7705 Twist dapat digunakan untuk identifikasi pesan atau memanggil directory contact. Konsumen dapat membeli Nokia 7705 Twist secara online di mulai 13 September dan Verizon Wireless Communications Stores mulai 21 September, dengan harga kisaran $99.99.

Spesifikasi utama handphone Nokia 7705 Twist berupa display 2.4 inch tipe TFT QVGA, warna 262K, fitur HTML browser, desain ‘built-in mirror’ dan 2.5mm headset jack. Tidak seperti HTC Touch Pro2, handphone Nokia 7705 Twist ini tidak seperti smartphone, hanya saja menggunakan user interface Nokia S40. Konektivitas yang ada terdiri dari EV-DO Rev. 0 dan Bluetooth. Handset Nokia 7705 Twist ini akan hadir dalam warna cover Xpress-on™ hitam  dan ungu. Ponsel Nokia 7705 Twist juga support Mobile Email, Mobile Web Mail, Chat dan Blogs. Desain unik dari handphone Nokia 7705 Twist yang berdimensi 2.71” x 2.71” x 0.59”, denganb bobot 3.44 oz ini mampu bertahan 312 jam ketika standby, dan talktime 270 menit.

Monday, September 14, 2009

GSM Cell Phones and Their Benefits

GSM world cell phones are the talk of the industry. Many businesses and individuals are looking into this latest technology. So for the novice, what is GSM?  Simply put, GSM is a digital cellular technology that is open and can transmit voice and data. Where GSM differs from older technology is that the system divides each channel into eight time-slots which allows the same phone to be used around the world.

Using these cell phones gives you access to the same services on your cell phone whether you are in the United States or Europe or anywhere else there is a signal. You can use the same telephone number and have the same access as you would in your hometown in any of more than 200 hundred countries.

So why is this important? The GSM world cell phones give you the ability to have one phone and travel around the world with it. You do not need to worry about changing SIM cards or other elements of your phone, or have to take the dreaded second cell phone with you.

Travelers like things made as easy as possible. The bane of many travelers’ existence has been the need to have two or more cell phones with them when they travel and then try to guess which cell phone will work in which country. This new technology allows you to take only one cell phone with you and have confidence that it will work, including all the features you need, no matter where you travel to.

Sure there are some remote areas where the GSM world cell phone will not work, however, for the vast majority of travelers these cell phones will be the only cell phone they need. It is easy to see why travelers are rejoicing over this new technology. The only thing they have to worry about is having the right electrical adapter to chair their world phone.

As you search online for the best cell phone, you will undoubtedly be impressed with the GSM world cell phones. For anyone who travels out of the country, the practicality of these phones cannot be overstated. Priced right and with a good selection of models to choose from, it is only a matter of time before world cell phones become more popular than traditional cell phones.

The world is a big place but just got a little smaller thanks to the newest technology that has brought us GSM world cell phones

Author: Perception

Hikmah dari Keypad Ponsel

Ternyata kebiasaan membawa perubahan ya Karena terbiasa menggunakan keypad ponsel Korea (merk Samsung) untuk mengetik SMS atau pesan pendek, membuatku sedikit kagok saat mengetik SMS di ponsel yang kubawa dari Indonesia (merk Nokia) yang masih aktif di sini. Maklumlah, ponsel Samsung tersebut lebih sering digunakan dibanding dengan yang Nokia, tapi yang Nokia juga masih tetap dipakai, sayang kan pulsa yang dibeli tiap bulan ngga dipakai, masa cuma untuk mempertahankan masa aktif (kebetulan nomor suami yang dipertahankan, kalau nomorku yang Indonesia sengaja dihanguskan untuk saat ini ^^). Perbedaan yang paling terasa adalah saat mengetikkan huruf R dan S. Canggung juga dirasakan saat mengetik huruf Q dan Z, namun kedua huruf itu kan jarang dipakai dalam bahasa Indonesia (apalagi bahasa SMS bagiku).

Di ponsel Nokia, tombol huruf PQRS menjadi satu (tepatnya di tombol angka 7), sehingga kalau ingin mengetik huruf Q tekan tombol tersebut 2x, jika mengetik huruf R tekan tombolnya 3x atau jika mengetik huruf S tinggal tekan tombol tersebut 4x. Kemudian untuk huruf Z tinggal tekan tombol WXYZ (tombol angka 9) sebanyak 4x. Sedangkan di keypad ponsel Samsung Korea, huruf Q dan Z bergabung dalam tombol angka 1. Nah, kecanggungan yang sering terjadi adalah saat mengetik huruf R dan S pada ponsel Nokia. Terlanjur terbiasa kalau huruf Q terpisah pada ponsel Samsung Korea, maka kalau aku ketik huruf R hanya menekan tombol angka 7 sebanyak 2x, begitupun juga dengan huruf S yang dikeluarkan dengan menekan tombol angka 7 sebanyak 3x. Nah, kebiasaan ini terbawa deh, jadi saat pakai ponsel Nokia, maksud hati mengetik huruf R yang keluar malah huruf Q, maksud hati mengetik huruf S yang keluar huruf R. Olala.. Coba lihat deh penampakan kedua keypad ponsel tersebut:

Keypad Samsung Korea

Keypad Nokia

Jadi, hikmahnya, mulai sekarang, terbiasalah mengerjakan yang baik-baik, berpikir yang baik-baik, sehingga insyaAllah diri kita menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik serta lingkungan kita pun menjadi lingkungan yang baik untuk keharmonisan kehidupan beragama dan bermasyarakat. Mulailah dari hal kecil, mari dimulai dengan membiasakan menebar senyum

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Nokia Erdos: Parlak Bir Hayal Mi, OLED'li Gerçeklik Mi?

Alttaki videoda da görebileceğiniz Ergos‘un fanatik bir tasarım maketinden öte bir ürün olduğu ile ilgili hiçbir resmi veri yok, fakat inanmak bize bir şey kaybettirmez, değil mi? Dürüst olmak gerekirse piyasaya sürülmesi  gerçekten söylendiği kadar yakınsa Nokia’nın bu “mücevheri” yakın zamanda yapılmış olan Nokia World fuarında göstermemeyi seçme sebebini tahmin etmek çok zor. Yine de, elimize ulaşan bilgi kırıntıları içinde OLED’li Erdos‘un gelecek ay gibi yakın bir zamanda dünya yüzü göreceği de var.

8xxx serisinden (8800 gibi) bir parçaymış gibi duran bu ultra ince ve ultra parlak telefon paslanmaz çelikten. A-GPS, 3G desteği, 2.4 inç QVGA (320 x 240) ekran, Wi-Fi, USB, 5 MP kamera (video kayıt desteği ile) ve 8Gb hafıza ile gelen Erdos eğer sadece bir fan hayalgücünün ürünü çıkarsa, yerine pekala X6′yı da koyabilirsiniz.


5730 Express music

Berbeda dengan 5630 XpressMusic yang memiliki desain candy bar, Nokia 5730 XpressMusic tampil dengan desain slide dengan sebuah full QWERTY keyboard. Nokia memberikan sebuah microSD sebesar 8GB dalam paket pembelian Nokia 5730 XpressMusic dengan dukungan hingga 16GB. Setelah melihat langsung live unit Nokia 5730 pada acara launching Nokia di Ballroom Hotel Indonesia kemarin, CHIP terkesan dengan kecepatan navigasi menu yang responsif dan juga kualitas suara yang dihasilkan Nokia 5730 XpressMusic. Feature accelerometer juga berjalan responsif dan tanpa delay yang berarti. QWERTY keyboard tampil dengan desain yang stylish namun tetap ergonomis dengan ukuran tuts yang besar sehingga memudahkan dalam pengetikan. Juga hadir tombol shortcut media player di area sekitar layar Nokia 5730 XpressMusic yang memudahkan navigasi pada saat mendengarkan musik. Nokia 5730 XpressMusic juga didukung dengan koneksi data HSDPA cat6 (max. download 3,6 Mbps), kamera 3,2 megapixel dengan Carl Zeiss Optics, A-GPS dengan Nokia Maps, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g dengan dukungan UPnP dan FM radio with RDS. Hadir dengan beberapa pilihan warna dan desain yang stylish dan sarat akan teknologi terkini, Nokia 5730 XpressMusic diharapkan mampu menarik banyak peminat khususnya para pecinta ponsel musik.



  • Bentuk: Side-slider dengan keyboard berukuran penuh
  • Dimensi: 112 x 51/80 x 15.4 mm
  • Berat: 135 g (termasuk baterai)
  • Volume: 82 cc
  • Desain side-slide dengan keyboard berukuran penuh

Layar dan 3D

  • Ukuran: 2.4”
  • Resolusi: 240 x 320 piksel (QVGA)
  • Sampai 16 juta warna
  • Layar QVGA (240 x 320 piksel) 2.4” layar warna area aktif 36.72 mm x 48.96 mm, sampai 16 juta warna.
  • Lampu latar dan Sensor Cahaya Sekitar
  • Mesin 3D

Tombol dan metode input

  • Keypad numerik
  • Keyboard berukuran penuh
  • Tombol Musik khusus (play/pause, forward, rewind)
  • Tombol volume
  • Tombol kamera khusus
  • Tombol game khusus
  • Mendukung perintah suara
  • Keyboard berukuran penuh untuk olah pesan yang cepat dan mudah


  • Kartu memori MicroSD 8 GB (dengan hot swap), mendukung sampai 16 GB
  • Memori SDRAM 128 MB / NAND 256 MB

    - memori pengguna internal sampai 100 MB

Sumber daya

  • Baterai Li-Ion Nokia BL-4U 1000 mAh
  • Waktu bicara (maksimum):

    - ECTEL GSM sampai 5.2 jam

    - +10dBm/WCDMA sampai 3.6 jam

    - 0dBm/WCDMA sampai 4.2 jam

    - WLAN sampai 7.8 jam
  • Waktu siaga (maksimum) :

    - ECTEL GSM 300 jam

    - WCDMA 270 jam
  • Waktu web browsing (maksimum): 6.5 jam (3G)
  • Waktu putar video (maksimum): 5.8 jam (QVGA, MPEG4, 15 fps)
  • Waktu rekaman video (maksimum): 2.7 jam (VGA, 15 fps)
  • Waktu panggilan video (maksimum): 2,3 jam
  • Waktu playback musik (maksimum): 25 jam (modus offline)

Fitur panggilan

  • Speakerphone handsfree terintegrasi
  • Panggilan cepat
  • Panggilan suara (dengan SIND)
  • Fitur getar
  • Tombol volume samping
  • Kontak dengan foto pada Home screen
  • Nada dering berbicara
  • Panggilan konferensi
  • Panggilan Video CS dan berbagi video
  • VOIP versi 3.0

Olah pesan

  • SMS
  • Penyimpanan SMS
  • Pembaca pesan text-to-speech
  • Olah pesan gambar EMS (kirim dan terima)
  • MMS (OMA 1.3)
  • Olah pesan audio (AMS)
  • Inbox umum untuk pesan SMS dan MMS
  • Daftar distribusi untuk olah pesan
  • Nokia Chat
  • Nokia Messaging (email)
  • Windows (MSN) Live
  • Cell broadcast (3GPP TS 04.12)


  • Email pelanggan (POP3/IMAP4/SMTP). Telah dimuat dalam ponsel
  • Layanan Nokia Email. Layanan Push email untuk pelanggan hanya tersedia di negara tertentu. Periksa keberadaannya dari
  • Mail for Exchange. Telah dimuat dalam ponsel.
  • Dukungan Nokia Intellisync, cek ke operator untuk keberadaannya


  • Kamera: 3.2 megapiksel dan kamera depan ke-2 (VGA), (dukungan CIF+ SW)
  • Carl Zeiss optic, Tessar 2.8/3.7
  • Zoom digital 8x
  • Autofokus
  • 3.7 mm (kamera utama)
  • Kamera kedua 1.10 mm (setara 35 mm)
  • 10 cm sampai tak hingga (kamera utama)
  • 0.2 m sampai tak hingga (kamera kedua)
  • Flash LED
  • Modus flash: Auto, Off, Forced, Anti red-eye
  • Jangkauan operasi Flash LED: kira-kira 1 m (~40 Lux)
  • Keseimbangan warna putih: Otomatis atau dapat diatur (Sunny, Cloudy, Incandescent, Fluorescent)
  • Eksposur: Automatic, Centre weighted AE
  • Modus bidikan: Modus gambar diam, Modus video dan Modus berurutan
  • Modus warna: Normal, Sepia, Vivid, Negative, Grayscale (Black & White)
  • Viewfinder layar penuh
  • Toolbar aktif
  • Tombol kamera khusus
  • Orientasi mendatar (horisontal)
  • Pencetakan langsung ke printer yang kompatibel melalui Bluetooth
  • MS Live
  • Gizmo
  • Google
  • Flickr
  • VOX
  • YouTube


  • Kamera utama
  • TV berkualitas tinggi – VGA; 15 fps; .mp4
  • Email berkualitas normal – QVGA; 15 fps; .mp4
  • Kualitas berbagi – QCIF; 15 fps; .3GP
  • Kamera depan
  • QCIF pada 15 fps
  • Kamera utama:

    - Format MPEG4 dalam format .mp4

    - Format H.263 (profil 0 level 10) dalam format file .3gp
  • Kamera kedua/depan:

    - Format H.263 (profil 0 level 10) dan disimpan dalam format file .3gp
  • Keseimbangan warna putih: Automatic, Sunny, Cloudy, Incandescent, Fluorescent
  • Modus pemandangan: Auto dan Night
  • Modus nada warna: Normal, Sepia, Black & white, Vivid, Negative
  • Panjang klip video yang direkam mungkin tidak dapat lebih dari 90 menit dan juga dibatasi oleh memori pengguna yang tersedia dalam ponsel atau dalam kartu memori.
  • RealPlayer
  • Format pemutaran video:
  • Kamera Utama:

    - Format MPEG4 dalam format .mp4

    - Format H.263 (profil 0 level 10) dalam format file .3gp
  • Kamera kedua/depan:

    - Format H.263 (profil 0 level 10) dan disimpan dalam format file .3gp
  • Streaming video (3GPP dan CIF)
  • Panggilan Video CS
  • Nada dering video

Playback musik dan audio

  • Pemutar Musik S60
  • Format file playback musik: .mp3/.aac/.aac+/.eaac+/.wma
  • Streaming audio
  • Streaming musik UPnP
  • Tombol musik khusus (play/pause, skip dan rewind)
  • Tombol volume
  • Radio FM Stereo
  • Internet Radio dan FM
  • Konektor AV Nokia 3.5 mm
  • Nokia Music for PC client (Memerlukan PC yang kompatibel)
  • Nada dering: Nada dering stereo 3D, 64 midi poliponik, nada .mp3, nada dering video
  • Say and Play
  • Mudah menyalin, mengkonversi dan mentransfer musik dengan software Nokia Music dalam CD atau Windows Media Player 10 & 11
  • Dukungan OMA DRM 2.0 untuk musik

Rekaman suara dan audio

  • Mendukung perintah suara
  • Panggilan suara
  • Perekam suara
  • Text-to-speech

Personalisasi: profil, tema, nada dering

  • Nada dering: Nada dering stereo 3D, 64 midi poliponik, nada .mp3, nada dering video
  • Nada dering video
  • Mendukung nada dering berbicara
  • Home screen
  • Personalisasi cara pintas
  • Tema dan wallpaper eksklusif yang didesain untuk menyesuaikan ponsel

Source: Nokia Indonesia


Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Message for Nole

Dear Nole,

While we were sitting around today waiting for the rain to stop and the tennis to continue, we spent most of the afternoon looking up videos of you playing on youtube.  So naturally, we watched the last time that you met with ole Feddy at the US Open. We discussed and decided (since we are both tennis experts and can see the future too) that you are going to win tomorrow’s match (the weather forecast looks sunny!) and hopefully make Roger cry again or slam his racket.  Actually, we just hope that he does not ruin your victory for you by crying all during the ceremony as he did to Nadal. 

Good Luck Tomorrow Novak. We wish you the best so get your beauty sleep and bring all of your sexiness and your A-game to the match tomorrow!



Nokia N97 and Samsung Omnia HD – Major firmware updates

At-last Nokia N97 and Samsung Omnia HD users got there phones software’s major upgrade. The S60 5th edition driven Nokia N97 and Samsung i8910 Omnia HD are set to go with some nice upgrades of functionality and user experience.

Samsung i8910 Omnia HD update has already been made public, while the Nokia flagship is about to get the same treatment next month.

Samsung Omnia HD XEII1 software update

The XEII1 software update is already being distributed to Omnia HD users in Russia and Hong Kong. Most importantly it replaces the speech-centric low-bitrate AMR codec used for the audio recording in videos with the superior AAC encoder. But since that has already been taken care of by the previous software update issued for the rest of the world, the more interesting new feature here is the 3D task switcher, much like the one we saw on the Samsung I8000 Omnia II. There’s also a brand new QWERTY keyboard coming with the new firmware, with more spacing between the keys, several new widgets and bug fixes in the browser and media player. The Samsung i8910 Omnia HD has also received the one-finger zooming seen on other Samsung devices such as the Omnia II.

Nokia N97 2.0 software update

The fellas that own a Nokia N97 aren’t quite as lucky as the guys who joined the Samsung camp, as they will need to wait for another month until their update is released. However it seems that Nokia are about to throw some really nice stuff in their direction so it’s probably worth it. The most notable change brought by the new firmware will be the system-wide kinetic scrolling. The QWERTY keyboard typing experience will also be improved as it now displays the alternative character when a key is pressed-and-held. Next, the Music player will be receiving a facelift and will display more album art and information. The changelog of the N97 2.0 firmware is completed by new widgets by CNN, MySpace, ESPN, Elle etc., support for VoIP and a new version of Ovi maps. And if you thought that all those new features will get your memory full, you are wrong. Due to the new memory allocation the amount of free space in the handset’s memory will even increase. And there goes a video demonstrating the performance of the Nokia N97 with the new firmware steps in.


Friday, September 11, 2009

OfficeSuite 4.60 incl Keygen for 5800 XM

OfficeSuite is a complete mobile office solution, allowing you to create, view and edit Word, Excel and PowerPoint files away from your office. The program utilizes the most commonly used desktop document formats and allows you to easily acquire your sensitive documents on your handset. With the advanced editing features you can modify documents on the fly and save them in their original format, just ready to be used back on your desktop PC.

get it



