Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Best Nokia App for 2009

In the final part of our series (check out Products and Services) of year end polls, we take a look at applications. The range and variety of apps available for Nokia devices is as broad as it is deep, so narrowing the list down to 10 for you to vote for was tricky in itself. Not as tricky as it was for you to vote, it would seem as not much separated the top three. Still, we have a winner, unlike in Services, so read on to find out the favourites from 2009.

The winner: Gravity (27%)

This isn’t the first poll Gravity has won this year. Back in May we asked you to vote for your favourite S60 Twitter app, and this one took a healthy 43 per cent of the vote. A great interface, addictive usability and some genuinely useful features add up to a winning recipe.

We said: “It’s interface is extremely clear, and it’s tough not to get suckered in by its velvet-smooth transitions and ease of use”

You said: “It was a solid Twitter app to start off with but the Google Reader support, even at this alpha stage, makes it absolutely indispensable” – commented Alex Whiteside

Nokia Photo Browser (21%)

Striking a good balance between fun, useful features and uncomplicated ease of use, Nokia Photo Browser has proved a popular addition to the Symbian arsenal. On touchscreen Nokias in particular, its intuitive simplicity makes browsing through your pics a joy.

We said: “If this is the standard of app now coming out of BetaLabs then we’re in for a real treat this year and beyond”

You said: “I like it a lot, hopefully Nokia will develop this software further and make it your official photo browser” – commented Gregg003

Nokia Ovi Suite 2.0 (15%)

One of those apps that’s as much about tomorrow as it is about today, Ovi Suite sweeps all previous Nokia software aside and delivers a single PC interface that’s streamlined, user-friendly and perfectly in sync with your device.

We said: “Eventually Ovi Suite will replace all your Nokia software with one simple, elegent yet powerful piece of software that’ll handle all the tasks you’d expect it to for your device”

You said: “Let’s hope that also a linux version is in the pipeline” – commented Pier

So that’s it. 2009 in a number of little nutshells. Hope you enjoyed this trip down memory lane as much as we did. Here’s looking forward to a cracking year in 2010. Wishing you a happy new year, we will see you on the other side.



Видео стриим

Кой кой е пристрастен към интернет връзка, дори ако той живее в Замбия и Уганда, знае какво е YouTube. Видео споделяне мрежи са фантастично място за генериране на данни за потенциални клиенти.

Видео текста могат лесно да бъдат вградени във вашия уеб ипотпал, споделени от Twitter, Facebook и други социални мрежи и имат много по-висока стойност след писмено възприема.
Много експерти казват, че Интернет маркетинг поточно видео е бъдещето и аз казвам ипотпал, че техните предчувствие е прав. Видео Позволява ви да се свържете с вашите клиенти, дори преди те да се запознаем, вие имейл или говорим с вас по телефона.

След като гледа само един клип с участието на ти-неотложен те се чувстват съпричастност към вас, който се мултиплицира шансовете си за приключване на сделката по гръб.


Monday, December 28, 2009

Г нюз нема да приема самостоятелни блогери :/

Разбира се, че ще dissappoint много добри блогове, които са поддържани от един автори, и те ще пропуснат по възможност да получи допълнителни трафика на сайта. Но причините са разбираеми за да поддържа високо качество на съдържанието Google News – защото един автор не може да бъде в състояние да прокара оригиналния ниша извънредни новини най-бързо и изчерпателно и мулти-автор ипотпал и организации могат, и разбира се, какво се случва в блога актуализира, когато блогър е зает в реалния живот или на почивка, без никой да направите резервно копие Но трябва ясно да показват Google Споменавам това за подаването страница, така че това много изисквания автор е ясно на заинтересованите блогъри.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Pocket-lint's Nokia X6 Review: Improved experience all around - what the 5800 should have been [7/10]

Stuart Miles of Pocket-lint has reviewed the Nokia X6. One of the only two in the new Xseries lineup, the music centred X6 boasts Nokia’s first phone with a capacitive touch screen.

So with all the flack Nokia’s been receiving on ‘hampering’ flagships with ‘out-of-date’ resistive screens, how does the X6 fare?

  • Pocket-link says the X6’s 640×360 3.2″ screen is responsive – zero lag. No pushing or stylus necessary [though stylus necessity is more what you're doing, right? Not that it would work. But even if you're on a resistive screen, if you've got big buttons you don't need a stylus. Anyway, I digress]
  • It hosts the same 32GB as the flagship Nseries and N900 but lacks microSD – still plenty for the Comes with Music service – your all you can eat busic buffet.
  • Camera is OK – though apparently not on par with the camera centric Nokia range. [Do they mean Nseries or the select photography bunch in Nseries?]
  • Even though the X6 has the same sized 3.2″ screen as the 5800,  surprisingly they found “touch interface buttons are big it’s not as fiddly”
  • Ample memory to run most things though you still get low memory errors if you push it [just a note, in the Nokia range, N900 does not do this]
  • As good as the X6 could get, it’s running Symbian with S60 interface – looking old and out of touch compared to the competition and Nokia’s own Maemo 5 beast.

Via Pocketlint


Meet my next Nokia!

One question everybody kept asking me about the N97 24/Tour I went on last summer was:

“Are they gonna let you keep the phone?”

Maybe because I had two of them, the answer seemed to be no — that is until yesterday, when I read this blog post from the good folks at Qik:

Thanks to our partner, Nokia, we had launched a contest to give away 5 Nokia N97s to Qikkers for sharing their experience and tagging them with #N97contest for the past month. Well, we had a whopping 688 entries during the month from all over the world and would like to thank everyone who participated in this.

So, the 5 lucky winners of the Nokia N97 are…..drumroll………..

#4 Andrew Currie from Canada

Wait, what? Zomg!!1!

The timing couldn’t have been better, as I’m currently in the market for a new Nokia anyway. In fact, due to the realization that the N97’s front-facing camera shoots at a higher resolution than other Nseries models, it was back in the running against newer, supposedly better handsets.

I thought it appropriate to stream a press conference acceptance speech apology video when I heard the news. Here it is:

I take delivery of my N97 sometime in January. Not sure if it’s going to be a white one or not, but I’m crossing my fingers. Either way it’ll be a great souvenir of every blogger’s dream come true! 8-)


Monday, December 21, 2009

Quick Smartphone idea for the world of retail

Scenario: Your in a retail shop your interested in buying a product. You hold your phone up to the product and via the magic of the camera identifying the product the following scenario could happen:

The ability for the smartphone to respond when near specific items in a shop for example with discounts are displayed on similar items.

This should include:
Product item information
Discounts related to the store
User comments
Information from other Smartphone users if they have just bought the product, for example using technologys such as twitter for a quick snapshot of opinions and a count of the people instore who may have purchased this item to encourge further product interest.

Highlighting a salesperson in store who may be an expert on the product.

The ability to make a purchase through the phone which is instantly verified and the shop alerted to the fact the product has been bought.

This idea could be expanded further. However at this point in time the technology to produce this application is in development at Nokia, i can’t wait for the next generation of phones imagine the applications we could create.

One to watch for the future but ideally i would like to see this feature emerging in smartphones within 2010.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Nokia N97

Sans entrer dans les détails, le Nokia N97 vous propose la 3G/3G+, un écran tactile de 3,5″ avec une résolution de 640×360 et 16 millions de couleurs au format 16/9, un clavier complet AZERTY et coulissant, 32Go de mémoire interne, un port mémoire microSD/SDHC, un APN de 5 Mégapixels avec une optique Carl Zeiss avec un flash LED, l’enregistrement de vidéos en qualité DVD (VGA à 30fps), un GPS compatible A-GPS, le Bluetooth, le WiFi et une batterie pouvant vous assurer au choix une autonomie de 5h en conversation, 4,5h en vidéo, 1,5j en musique ou 400h en veille, le tout 117,2×55,3×15,9mm pour 150g.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hotii de la CIRMA (Service autorizat Nokia)

Dupa 10 luni de la cumpararea ultimului telefon, un Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, odata cu venirea frigului, s-a stricat. Din cauza temperaturii scazute display-ul afisa niste linii orizontale. M-am hotarat sa ma folosesc de garantia Nokia, asa ca l-am dus pe Stefan cel Mare, la sediul CIRMA si dupa ce am stat la coada vreo 15 minute, un nene pe la 200 kg, sictirit (probabil ca si el realiza cat de jalnic e sa ajungi la 50 de ani, fara sa fi realizat ceva in viata) a luat telefonul in scarba si s-a uitat la el. Dupa ce m-a intrebat cum ma cheama pentru a completa actele, a reusit sa-mi poceasca numele desi ii pusesem buletinul in fata (chiar nu iti trebuie macar 4 clase ca sa lucrezi acolo?).

La 3 zile de la eveniment, primesc mesaj de la ei, pentru a ma prezenta in vederea ridicarii telefonului. Pentru prima data eram incantat de promptitudinea unui serviciu gratuit romanesc. Ajuns acolo insa, am aflat ca garantia imi fusese anulata pe motiv ca terminalul intrase in contact cu lichide. Hmm .. nu-mi aduc aminte sa-l fi scapat in piscina. Mereu sunt extra-atent.

Explicatia lor a fost urmatoarea: “Stiti .. contact cu lichide nu inseamna ca ati turnat apa pe el .. poate a stat in abur sau v-a transpirat mana pe el”.

-WTF ??!! Adica efectiv voi anulati garantii pe motivul asta, tinand cont ca vara inevitabil e cald si imi transpira mana pe telefon, iar iarna se face condens pe el daca vorbesc pe strada si dupa, il bag in buzunar sau intru intr-un magazin.

Tanti angajata de la CIRMA, debusolata, incerca sa ma convinga de faptul ca efectele fizice nu se intampla la fel pe toata planeta si ca este posibil ca daca intru de la frig la cald sa nu apara condensul daca sa spunem .. mi-as lua un telefon nou, model identic.

Dupa aceeasi idee, ma intreb, unde pe Terra trebuie sa ma duc sa ma bucur de anti-gravitatie ?

Bineinteles, ca s-au oferit sa-mi repare mobilul pentru o suma nu foarte modica (ca doar ei mi-au anulat garantia). Cei de la OPC (Oficiul pentru Protectia Consumatorului) mi-au spus ca nu prea au ce sa le faca fara ca eu sa ma duc la un alt service autorizat pentru a cere o contra-expertiza (si aceea platita, bineinteles) dar ca nu sunt primul in aceatsa situatie.

Nu este prima experienta nefericita cu CIRMA, dar este prima despre care m-am hotarat sa scriu, cu speranta ca intr-o zi se va sesiza cineva de magariile care se fac intr-unul din putinele service-uri autorizate Nokia. Se anuleaza garantii pentru ca mai tarziu sa ceara o tona de bani pe reparatii. Practic ei iau bani din 3 surse. De la Nokia EU pentru asigurarea service-ului, pentru anularea garantiilor si bani de la client pentru reparatia in sine. Foarte urat .. dar pur romanesc.



Monday, December 14, 2009

What To Look For In Mobile In 2010 - (Source:

Jake Seid is a managing director at Lightspeed Venture Partners where he specializes in the mobile, Internet, systems, software and components sectors. Prior to Lightspeed, he was a product line manager for Cisco Systems (NSDQ: CSCO).

We continue to be excited about the mobile sector and the opportunities for entrepreneurs to build large companies. The industry has seen the smartphone universe expand dramatically and now no smartphone is complete without an app store. New business models like mobile advertising, which were touted in 2005 and 2006 but failed to live up to early expectations now seem to be blossoming. That said, we believe we’re still in the early innings with many more innovations to come.

Here are our predictions for the mobile sector for 2010:

Virtual goods means real revenue in mobile: We’ve all seen the rise of the virtual-goods economy in the online world. Like its impact on the online world, virtual goods is poised to have profound positive impact on mobile-app startups for several reasons. First, unlike the subscription fee or one-time purchase business model, virtual goods can help eliminate the friction to adoption. The cost to the consumer to try the app can be $0 yet the app developer still has a way to make money by selling virtual goods.

Second, the virtual-goods business model has proven to be a very scalable one. It has helped to create multiple public companies valued in the billion-dollar plus range including DeNA (in mobile) and TenCent (in the online world). Finally, it’s not mutually exclusive with the existing purchase, subscription and advertising business models. Certainly widespread adoption of virtual goods in mobile will take time and, depending on the platform, various issues will have to be worked through. But this business model’s entrance into the mobile arena bodes well for the entire ecosystem.

Still waiting for “off-deck” to (really) happen: Well, in some ways it has happened—almost. Certainly, the iPhone App Store is a great step forward for the industry. But, compared to the success of the iPhone App Store, the rest of the industry’s major players—Android, Nokia (NYSE: NOK), Windows and RIM (NSDQ: RIMM)—have a lot of catching up to do. Those app stores are not quite functioning at where they need to be to give iPhone’s App Store a run for its money.

The most cynical in the industry may actually say the iPhone App Store is not truly “off-deck,” it’s just a different deck. But however you want to slice it, we’re still a long way off from mobile-app developers being able to create true direct-to-consumer offerings like their cousins in the web world.

Nokia or RIM buys Palm (and the next round of big battles begin).: Palm built a slick OS but it is in a tough spot as a standalone company. It’s not RIM and Nokia, big handset guys with material smartphone market share, and that creates a tough spot for Palm (NSDQ: PALM).
Apple’s iPhone not only created a great consumer experience but it created a great platform for developers. This platform allows developers to create compelling mobile apps, to reach the consumer without going through a carrier, and to bill the consumer leveraging the iTunes merchant
relationship. Apple (NSDQ: AAPL) set off the virtuous cycles that feeds both the growth in the installed iPhones (and iPod Touches)  and the growth in apps (and developers).

Legacy software at Nokia and RIM and the lack of deep OS software expertise at other handset vendors meant Palm had a chance to create its own virtuous cycle. Until Android pulled the rug out and ran off with the momentum.

In the world of mobile operating systems, Palm has created a real asset. For large OEMs like Nokia and RIM that have solid hardware and massive distribution but legacy software, Palm may be an asset they can’t live without.

The enterprise moves past using mobile data for just email: RIM did a great thing for industry in driving mobile data into the enterprise. This was no easy task since the enterprise is complicated. It not only involves catering to the needs of the end user but also getting IT comfortable that you are conforming to and not breaking their network and security architecture. Mobile email now has a healthy adoption rate in the enterprise and the good news is that people believe in the productivity benefits and are looking for the next set of applications to mobilize (the bad news about mobile email adoption is that response-time expectations have shrunk to hours and there’s no such thing anymore as an “out of office” auto response for why you can’t read email).

Other smartphone platforms beyond RIM, such as the iPhone, have also seen interesting levels of adoption, and we expect that to grow. With a rich and growing smartphone base in the enterprise and a positive experience around the benefits of mobile data from both end users and IT, we expect 2010 will create an opportunity for a new generation hot mobile apps and technologies—this time focused on the enterprise.

In 2010, mobile innovations will branch out into new categories, while also benefiting as the recipient of long-awaited applications.  Both these trends will create new methods for monetization in the U.S. and beyond, and ultimately, promise another important and profitable year for the category.


Lessons From the China Nokia Industrial Park

The Nokia China factory at the Xingwang high tech park in Beijing China is a good illustration of what a high-value industrial park should be and can bring to a country.

Uganda is trying to achieve the same in the establishment of its industrial parks in Luzira, Namanve and across regional spots.

Sitting on 75 hectares, the Xingwang Park is also home to related supply industries like DHL, ELCOTEQ, SANYO, SAVCOR, IBIDEN and HIF, which either directly provide industrial inputs or are providing logistical support to the phone-maker.

Together with these partners, this industrial park has created 50,000 jobs. The Nokia factory employs 6,000 people.

Because of the highly qualified technical team and high-tech products, Nokia is now the biggest taxpayer in China. But it is the industrial park, which attracted all the related industries that is not only creating a distribution chain, but changing the landscape.

This concept and the cheap labour force provided by over the 16 million people, in Beijing alone, is causing transformation.

Uganda equally has a cheap and fairly educated labour force.

Having been in China for just 25 years, Nokia has surpassed its tax exemption period and is now the largest country market globally for Nokia products with net sales peaking euro6.42b in 2008.

This adds credence to the argument in the recent Africa tax administrators forum held in Kampala recently about the need to give incentives to investors with a long-term view.

Meanwhile, Nokia is experimenting with a new platform of e-micro-business management that could be used by the vast small and medium size enterprises that dominate most of the developing world.

This is to help with the structural and infrastructural challenges faced by many of the SMEs like the challenge of insufficient electricity supply. In East Africa, it is being conducted in Kenya.

“The idea is to improve on the viability and functionality of the business and ultimately the businesses will spend fewer hours recapping the data,” said a Nokia China official. Features like cash register will be developed and uploaded onto the phone.

Localising content is one of the key innovations coming from the phone maker in an industry driven by innovation and enterprise.

“The technology is to liberate people into higher quality of life,” said the official.

Officials say the platform under study could be an extension of “what we already have.”

Nokia has adapted superior quality control systems to ensure that products leaving the factory are of top quality. There is growing perception that phones made in China and exported to Africa are of inferior quality. But Nokia continues to assure the market that whatever comes out of the Beijing factory is just as good as any product from any of the other nine Nokia facilities.

In Uganda, MIDCOM and Simba Telecom are the two authorised distributors of Nokia phones.

Original here.


Friday, December 11, 2009

Required Reading RE: Apple vs Nokia

So this is not a case of tit-for-tat as virtually every report so far has suggested. It’s a case of Nokia, finding itself well behind the curve in mobile phones, attempting to extort unfair, unreasonable, and discriminatory licensing terms against Apple for patents which Nokia has already committed to license under fair reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms.


The above article is required reading for anyone truly interested in what’s going on with Nokia and Apple. However, if all you’re interested in is juicy gossip about a cat-fight between the two companies, don’t bother.

Posted via web from The Small Wave.


Skype for Symbian Beta goes live, download it here

Skype has just launched the much awaited Skype app for Symbian platform, and has given it the nameSkype for Symbian.  The just released app is currently in Beta version and supports a limited number of phones from the Finnish based company, Nokia. The app runs on Wi-Fi or 3G connection. Skype plans to bring support for more Nokia phones once they roll out the final version. (Features listed below)

Skype for Symbian Mobile Image

(Image credit: Symbian-Guru)

Skype for Symbian features

The Skype app brings the following features:

  • Free Skype-to-Skype calling.
  • Call phones with Skype credits or subscription.
  • Receive calls on your Online Number.
  • Instant Messaging.
  • Group conversations.
  • File sending and receiving.

Skype for Symbian can be installed on any S60 Feature Pack 1 or Feature Pack 2 phone. List of currently supported phones provided below

The devices that fall under the Feature Pack 1 category include:

  • Nokia E71
  • Nokia E63
  • Nokia E66
  • Nokia N82
  • Nokia E51
  • Nokia N95
  • Nokia N95 8GB
  • Nokia N81
  • Nokia N81 8GB
  • Nokia E90
  • The devices that fall under the Feature Pack 2 category include:

  • Nokia N96
  • Nokia N85
  • Nokia 5320
  • Nokia 6210 Navigator
  • Nokia 6210 Classic
  • Nokia N78
  • Nokia N79
  • Sadly, the current beta version doesn’t support the newly released Nokia E72 or Nokia N97 for that matter. Since the app is in Beta, so you may find the quality a bit lagging, but that will surely be fixed in the final releases.

    Download Skype for Symbian (for S60 Feature Pack 1 devices)

    Download Skype for Symbian (for S60 Feature Pack 2 devices)


    Wednesday, December 9, 2009

    Orange lance so application store (source:

    L’Orange App Shop est la plateforme de téléchargement d’applications mobile de l’opérateur. Ce dernier est proposé dans la cadre du système Orange Signature, les interfaces graphiques Orange intégrés aux téléphones des Packs. Outre les applications d’Orange (TV Orange, Orange Games et Orange Maps), l’Appli Store proposera une sélection d’applications développées en Java et/ou pour Android, Blackberry, Symbian et Windows Mobile. Il sera accessible au moyen d’un logiciel ou du portail mobile Orange. Les logiciels sont ainsi achetables depuis ce portail et la note est reportée sur la facture.

    Actuellement, 5 modèles de téléphones (Sony Ericsson W995, Yari U100i, C905, C510, W595 et W910i et Nokia 6303 et 6700) peuvent accéder à l’Appli Shop via une mise à jour du système d’exploitation de leur téléphone. A partir de janvier 2010, Orange proposera directement son Application Store avec les téléphones de ses packs avec un téléphone Sony Ericsson et Nokia avant d’être étendu aux téléphones Samsung, LG, HTC, RIM et Motorola.

    L’Orange Application Store est disponible avec Orange UK et Orange France. L’opérateur mobile compte déployer son App Shop chez Orange Espagne, Orange Pologne, Orange Roumaine, Orange Suisse, Orange Slovaquie, Orange Autriche, Orange Modalvie, Mobistar(BE) et Optimus(P) durant l’année 2010.

    Les développeurs d’applications peuvent se renseigner ou soumettre leur création sur le site Orange Partners.

    Orange arrive en retard et va entrer en concurrence, voir en redondance des services de téléchargements des constructeurs. L’opérateur compte sur la confiance du client pour se différencier du Nokia Ovi Store, du Google Android Market Place et du Windows Marketplace pour Mobile.


    Monday, December 7, 2009

    Nokia 5530 XpressMusic black red (WLAN, Touchscreen, 3D-Surround-Sound, Kamera mit 3,2 MP) Handy ohne Vertrag, ohne Branding, kein Simlock

    Nokia 5530 XpressMusic black red (WLAN, Touchscreen, 3D-Surround-Sound, Kamera mit 3,2 MP) Handy ohne Vertrag, ohne Branding, kein Simlock Review

    Ich muss sagen ich bin mit diesem produkt sehr zufrieden.
    Es ist solide verarbeitet und bietet viele funktionen.
    auch der versand war mal wieder superschnell
    geiles teil auf jeden fall zu empfehlen

    Nokia 5530 XpressMusic black red (WLAN, Touchscreen, 3D-Surround-Sound, Kamera mit 3,2 MP) Handy ohne Vertrag, ohne Branding, kein Simlock Feature
    • Unterstützte Netze: Quadband-Mobiltelefon für GSM 850/900/1800/1900-Netze, Automatischer Frequenzbandwechsel in GSM-Netzen, Flugprofil
    • 3,2-Megapixel-Kamera (2.048 x 1.536 Pixel) mit vierfachem Digitalzoom und Autofokus
    • Attraktiver Touchscreen mit 7,4 cm Diagonale
    • WLAN-Unterstützung
    • Lieferumfang: 5530 XpressMusic, Akku BL-4U, Ladegerät AC-8E, Micro-USB-Datenkabel CA-101, Stereo-Headset WH-205, microSDHC-Speicherkarte MU-41 (4 GByte), Mini-DVD, Anleitung
    Nokia 5530 XpressMusic black red (WLAN, Touchscreen, 3D-Surround-Sound, Kamera mit 3,2 MP) Handy ohne Vertrag, ohne Branding, kein Simlock Overview

    Nokia 5530 XpressMusic black red

    Nokia 5530 XpressMusic black red (WLAN, Touchscreen, 3D-Surround-Sound, Kamera mit 3,2 MP) Handy ohne Vertrag, ohne Branding, kein Simlock Specifications Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 07, 2009 00:30:08

    More Linke : Handys Ohne Vertrag Shop Handy Mobil Telefone Cell Phone Online Samsung Handy Billig Kaufen


    Friday, December 4, 2009

    Nokia: One Maemo device in 2010 is a bad idea

    Barely 15 day s after i had written about Nokia’s dual OS strategy, It turns out that Maemo is not so big news from Nokia.

    Nokia has gone through a rough patch over the last 18 months or so. It has lost heavily in the smartphone space to Apple, RIM and Google; and its overall numbers tumbled down in 2009. Ovi store was a lukewarm fare. However, it seemed to be making a comeback of sorts with interesting applications such as Nokia Money and Lifetools in the Mid end and Maemo devices in the smartphone segment. N900 got a great response as Nokia moved away from the Symbian platform for the first time after failure with its N97.N900 boasts some impressive specs for a smartphone-type device, and includes a touch screen, QWERTY keyboard, media playback and more. While the N900 is a bit of a niche play and doesn’t have the largest addressable market, it’s an important step for Nokia to take in regaining some much-needed momentum in the world market for smartphones. The N900 was thought to be not only the Nokia flagship, but also a learning platform for Nokia and its Maemo line up.

    In this regard, Nokia’s decision to launch only one Maemo based device in 2010 is bewildering. Nokia is committed to the Symbian platform as its “smartphone platform of choice”. Symbian S60 — is outdated and clunky. Maemo looked to be a solid step in the right direction, at least from a usability standpoint.The one Maemo-device announcement was thus a let down, dashing hopes of a slew of high-end, Linux-based phones from the mobile manufacturer.The Symbian Foundation has been working hard to reboot Symbian as a platform, but so far developments has been slow, and no devices have been announced with support for the latest Symbian versions.

    Either Nokia plans to take over the world with just a handset update per year like Apple does or it believes Symbian still has some life left and will continue churning out S60 and the upcoming Symbian Foundation OS based phones by the dozen. The only manufacturer for whom this “one device a year strategy” has worked very well is Apple. 2010 would be a busy smartphone year with the supposed Apple 3.1 being readied for release and Android getting mainstream. Putting a large bet on Symbian S60 can significantly risk the Nokia portfolio. There is an opinion that even one Maemo phone would be enough – if it’s an iPhone killer. To flip it around, if Nokia’s 2010 Maemo and Symbian devices return average results, they would get dangerously sidelined in the smartphone space. That would also mean being left out of the consideration space of the developer community.

    Software and user experience has become the key differentiator in today’s market. We know that Nokia can design attractive and functional hardware, but it is sadly lacking in the software department. Maemo would give Nokia a good chance at fighting off its rivals if given the right support. Planning only one Maemo device for 2010 — a year in which we are sure to see a new iPhone and dozens more Android models — is a mistake

    That’s a bad idea, Nokia.


    Jonathan Ive y Axel Meyer.

    Hoy hablaremos de algo que me encanta: el diseño. No importa si es de tipo industrial, gráfico ó de espacios (arquitectura), me encanta. La posibilidad de crear algo es sensacional. Jonathan Ive (aka Juanito) y Axel Meyer son dos diseñadores industriales que, a pesar de tener puntos de vista muy distintos, sus trabajos son mundialmente reconocidos.

    El primero es un inglés de nacimiento, estudiado en la universidad de Northumbria (en su tiempo Politécnico de Newcastle) y americanizado en los 90s como parte de su trabajo con la globalmente alabada Apple. El segundo es argentino, nacido en 1969, que con un titulo UBA a los 23 años viajó a Europa trabajó con Philips en Holanda. Pero vayamos por partes, ¿Qué hace especial a cada uno?

    Axel Meyer

    Es la cabeza de diseño de los Nokia Nseries unicamente. El no esta involucrado con otras series como la 8800 (series de lujo y ultra exclu$$ivas). Si bien su trabajo no está basado en la simplicidad como J. Ive, sus teléfonos son muy atractivos para el usuario. Sin ir más lejos, el novísimo N97, N97 mini y N900 tienen teclados QWERTY deslizantes, los dos primeros con un ángulo de abertura un poco elevados, lo que les de una utilidad sin igual.

    Pero las innovaciones no empezaron hace poco. El 26 de septiembre de 2006 Nokia lanzó su N95, un teléfono que supuso diversas innovaciones en diferentes ámbitos. Desde la cámara de 5 megapixles (aun revolucionaria para esta época), hasta la amplia gama de conectividad, fue reconocido inmediatamente por su doble slider, por supuesto idea de Meyer. Por un lado el teclado convencional de un teléfono, y por otro las teclas multimedia. Este modelo de diseño ha sido utilizado en los N95 8GB, N85 y N86 8GB.

    Por otro lado están los Nseries N92 y N93. El Nokia N92 era un tipo de smartphone ‘convertible’ que parecía un clamsell convencional pero tenía una especia de bisagra doble con la que girabas la pantalla y parecía una mini-computadora. Al estar abierto en este modo me remite al N97 ó al HTC G1. Su uso era la TV móvil mediante DVB-H, que por alguna extraña razón no despegó y como era de esperarse el teléfono fue un fracaso.
    Mientras que el Nokia N93 era un celular orientado a ser una cámara más que nada. Según muchos superaba a la competencia al incluir una cámara de 3 megapixeles con lentes de óptica Carl Zeiss y un autentico zoom óptico de 3x, incluso un video musical fue grabado, editado y subido desde el teléfono. Pero las criticas principales hacia los equipos era su voluminoso cuerpo, algo grande para llevar en un bolsillo convencional.

    Actualmente los Nokia Nseries siguen innovando en el aspecto del hardware. ¿Y el software?, creo que ese si debería renovarse, y más después de haber visto al iPhone en 2007. Aunque no creo que ese sea un asunto de Meyer.

    Jonathan Ive

    Ahora si llegamos al diseñador industrial más alabado. Y sólo una palabra puede caber en la mente de este señor y describirlo: minimalismo. Y ya. Sólo es simplicidad.

    Ive (aka Juanito) pasó desapercibido sus primeros años, sus primeros diseños se distinguían por tener una extrema simplicidad y utilidad. Trabajó en una agencia de diseño londinense llamada Tangerine (Mandarina), donde no diseñaban nada parecido a lo que hace en la actualidad. Se dedicaban a hacer planchas, secadoras, peines, etc… Él estuvo en el equipo responsable de la Apple Newton, hasta que en 1997 fue contratado por Jobs a su regreso a la compañía y juntos la revivieron (algo parecido pasó con Palm este 2009).

    En 1998 Apple lanzó un computador que cambió la percepción de los ordenadores para siempre: la legendaria iMac. Fue un modelo al igual de controversial, revolucionario. Suponía un rediseño en las cajas grises y aburridas que en ese tiempo se vendían, donde daban más importancia a lo que había adentro que la apariencia exterior. Algo así como los sentimientos. Fue el único iMac en venderse en diversos colores y con pantalla de tubos de rayos catódicos. Se estima que se vendieron 150,000 iMacs el fin de semana posterior a su lanzamiento.

    Luego en 2002 hubo otro suceso importante: el lanzamiento del iMac G4, otra revolución en cuanto a diseño de computadoras. A menudo fue llamado “lamparita” por su gran parecido con Luxo Jr., la mascota de Pixar, compañía hermana de Apple (para otros usos del término se recomienda ver estos vídeos, 1 y 2). Poseía una semiesfera de donde se sostenía la pantalla por un brazo articulado y ahí estaba toda la circuitería. Además era el primer iMac con una pantalla TFT plana.

    Después de esto en 2004 se lanzó el iMac G5, con una estructura de diseño que aun se mantiene, una gran pantalla sostenida por una base de aluminio. Después de eso y hasta el lanzamiento del iPhone en 2007, Apple ha seguido una estela de diseño en su reciente interés por abandonar el blanco. Ahora todo es aluminio mezclado con cristal y altamente ecológico. Exceptuando con el iPhone 3G introducido en Junio 2008, que al parecer “vuelve a los inicios”, incluye una carcasa blanca de plástico. El cambio del metal al actual material es para mejorar la señal.

    El 20 de octubre de 2009 se lanzó al mercado la nueva iMac, MacBook y Magic Mouse. El iMac no es más que una pequeña mejora de algo que ya estaba demasiado bien (en palabras del equipo de diseño de la manzana). Johnny se las ingenió para crear un iMac con cristal que llegaba al perímetro, una estructura unibody de policarbonato (si, sigo sin entender como lo hace con ese material) y el ratón más simple de la historia, otro producto revolucionario.

    Además de eso se le atribuye el diseño de las MacBook. Los últimos modelos son reconocidos por su revolucionaria manera de construirlos, el unibody.

    Si bien sus diseños han sido muy aclamados a lo largo de su carrera, también ha habido fracasos como el PowerMac G4 Cube ó el ratón USB, que si bien no eran feos su enfoque no estuvo tan bien planeado como debería.


    A pesar de contar con diferentes argumentos de diseño, ambos lo hacen basado en la usabilidad y calidad. Sus obras son usadas alrededor del Globo y son inmediatamente reconocidos.

    Se podría decir que gracias a ellos, vivimos en un mundo mejor…


    Este es un fragmento del documental Objectified del cineasta Gary Hustwit acerca de diseño industrial donde aparece Jonathan Ive. Está en inglés y sin subtítulos, pero no creo que sea difícil entenderle.


    Wednesday, December 2, 2009

    Interview: Julien Fourgeaud of the Symbian Foundation

    Matt from the Nokia Daily News recently interviewed Julien Fourgeaud of the Symbian Foundation, in this interview they touched on present and future of the Symbian Foundation and they also covered the migration from S60 to SF2 to SF3, upcoming hardware, QT, and new manufacturers on board with Symbian. Enjoy!


    Monday, November 30, 2009

    "Night of the proms"? Kein Grund zum Feiern!

    Gestern feierte ein recht bekannter finnischer Mobilfunkanbieter die “Night of the Proms”. Doch einige Berliner Exil-Iraner hatten was dagegen. Rund 100 Demonstranten haben am Sonntag in Berlin vor der Anschütz-Arena am Berliner Ostbahnhof gegen den Veranstalter der “Feierlichkeiten” – Nokia. Was genau, machten sie den Konzert-Teilnehmern während der Pause sehr deutlich: “Wir sind hier. Wir sind laut – trotz Datenklau!”. Viele der Besucher guckten von der Balustrade und fragten sich, warum “die da unten” nur so laut skandierten? Der Protest richtete sich gegen das Unternehmen, weil dieses zusammen mit Siemens dem iranischen Regime umfangreiche Spionagesoftware geliefert hat. Damit ist im Iran eine komplette Überwachung des Email-, Telefon-, wie auch Handyverkehrs möglich.

    Zahlreiche Iraner sind durch diese Technik dann Opfer des Regime geworden. Sie wurden verhaftet, gefoltert, manche sogar ermordet. Deswegen versammelten sich viele gerade junge Iraner vor der Arena (dummerweise hält ein anderes Mobilfunkunternehmen deren Namensrechte), um ihrer Wut offen zu artikulieren. Das führte zu umfangreichen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen rund um die Halle und zu langen Schlangen vor den Eingängen. Nokia wollte im Hallenbereich Proteste unterbinden. Das Sicherheitspersonal wurde verdoppelt. Der separate VIP-Eingang wurde extra durch Hundeführer gesichert. Doch wie immer in Berlin, wenn Iraner und Deutsche demonstrieren, blieb es friedlich. Einige Berliner Rundfunksender hatten extra ihre Verkehrsfunknachrichten geändert, um auf die Demonstration gegen Nokia hinzuweisen.

    Interessanter Weise las ich dieser Tage im neuesten amnesty-Journal (kleine Werbe-Unterbrechung: Neuerdings an Kiosken im freien Handel erhältlich!), dass Millionen junger Iraner über virtuelle Netzwerke kommunizieren, Blogs schreiben und kräftig twittern – und dennoch im “Netz gefangen sind”. Golrokh Esmaili beschreibt sehr präzise, wie massiv das iranische Regime versucht, die Kontrolle über die virtuellen Welten zu behalten und Online-Dissidenten zu verfolgen. Denn ohne das Internet und die Möglichkeiten des dezentralen Informationsnetzes Web2.0 hätten sich die vielen Iraner, die gegen die massiven Wahlfälschungen des Regimes demonstrierten, nicht koordinieren können, sonst wäre Nedas Tod nur einer von vielen gewesen, der von der breiten Weltöffentlichkeit übersehen worden wäre.

    Was ich allerdings erschreckend finde, dass bei vielen Produkten wie beispielsweise Handys das Herkunftsland des Anbieters bei den Konsumenten kaum eine Rolle spielt – wer fragt dann schon nach den Produktionsbedingungen und wie bei Nokia nach diversen Geschäftspraktiken? Wer nun mehr wissen will über die Iran-Bündnisse in verschiedenen deutschen Städten, ist bei Iran aktuell am besten aufgehoben, hier werden immer die aktuellesten Meldungen gebracht.

    Und noch was am Rande: seit langem laufen innerhalb der Kommunikationswissenschaft intensive Diskussionen darüber, wie wirkungskräftig Web2.0 ist. Einen wertvollen Überblick zur Nutzung von Web2.0 im Nahen Osten gibt der Sammelband „Von Chatraum bis Cyberjihad“, herausgegeben von Matthias Brückner und Johanna Pink, aber auch Kristin Helbergs Artikel “Zwischentöne unerwünscht” (erschienen auf qantara) helfen weiter. Und wo kann man über die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten des Internets am besten schreiben, wenn nicht im Blog? Zum Glück brauchen wir deutschen Blogger keine staatlichen Repressalien zu fürchten, wenn Nokia & Co. Überwachungstechnologie verkauft. Auch wenn wir die neuesten Gesetze mit Argusaugen verfolgen….


    AirFone launches Dual Sim Mobile @ 1499 Rs

    Airfone Mobiles launched a new AF11 model in the Indian market for a price of Rs 1,499/-. The handset supports dual SIM, has FM, MP3, talk-time of 420 minutes, standby time of 240 minutes and is available in Black+Grey, Black+Red and Black+Blue colour combinations.


    Friday, November 27, 2009

    Video: Macro Video Sample/Demo of the Nokia N900

    Hey it’s Friday!

    I was just about to leave to catch a train (going home-home first then London for the weekend) but thought that I couldn’t let the weekend go by without a blog post.

    This is just an absolute quicky showing off the N900’s autofocus video. Unlike the N97 or other Nseries that are stuck to a fixed zoom point (N97 horribly set to infinity, so anything closer than, um 1 mile is blurry), with the N900, the subject can be very far away, within a few cm and the infinite degrees in between.

    This was literally all shot, edited in  2 minutes. Uploading whilst I type this.


    Endhiran Shooting !!!

    Great news for all fans of Superstar Rajnikanth as he has completed shooting for ‘Endhiran – The Robot’. According to the source, the talkie portions have been completed with couple of songs pending now. One of the songs will be shot in Pune while….. Read Rest of this Entry>>>


    Wednesday, November 25, 2009

    cara menyekat laman web mengikut pilihan anda(dengan cara yang lebih mudah dan tanpa mengunakan perisian)

    salam..sume(suara cam uztaz..haha..)4 penge”read” tis blog ..first skli azhan nk ucap selamat hari raya aidil adha kt korang semua..koranx blik kmpong ke x??smbelih lmbu uhh leklok sikit..azhan nyer pamily pon de yg wat korban..kt kmpong aku kt ganu..(nape nk mkan lmbu gak ke??byar r..–maen maen je..mne de kne byar..haha)

    koranx tau x care nk pangkah lman web..bkan pankah parti politik mse plihan rye ..but nk sekat laman web??tu lah yg azhan nk share gan koranx arinei..(pdahal sje nk update blog..haha)azhan dh cube cre nk sekat laman wb..mule mule wat mmg x jadi..(ingt dh kne tipu..)but try mny times..mmg method nei brguna ..

    1 step korang klik kt lmbang microsof(klu window laen..klik kt butang start..)..pas uhh nk wat pe??wat x tau je..haha

    gurau je..lpas uhh koranx klik kt run botton..(nmpak x?klu x nmpak..hmpaskan lptop /pc koranx kt ne??brkecai x??haha)

    3 step..korang msukkan word yg azhan bg kt below..koranx msukan kt open


    pas uhh koranx klik kt o.k boton(jgan k.o sdah..haha)

    kuar folder etc kan??

    pas uhh koranx klik kt hosts(jgn klik kt laen sdh..kne virus….gne kan kipersky..(ceh tiru cheki chan lak..adoi)

    pas uhh kuar open with kan?..

    korang klik notepad lak..

    cbe ade nmpak 7 kali )localhost    ?

    ade kan?

    pas uhh koranx

    taip tujuh kali)pas tu masukan lman web yg korang mau skat(jgan copy n pas..nnt x jdi..korang kne taip sndiri)

    contoh nyer cam..       localhost

    klu koranx nk tau lman web nei lah yg azhan sekat??knape ekh??

    cube r koranx guaess..haha

    pas uhh koranx wat korang klik file botton..pas uhh koranx klik save(bkan save as..)

    pas uhh koranx tutup bndalah uhh(mksud azhan notepad..haha..koranx pikiq pe r?astrfiruallha..haha)

    pas uhh koranx cube open laman web yg koranx sekat ne ??x leh open an??haha

    azhan nk pesan mse koranx wat from step 1..tkdi uhh..kornx jgan bka laman web ..klu x ..kurang mujarab..haha

    one thing(1 thing je..bkan 7 thing..mcm lgu miley cyrus uhh..merepek mnyak..haha)

    web yg koranx sekat uhh akan x bleh di open..dgan mgunakan sofwere intenet..mcm mozilla firefox(mgan fox..seksi uhh-ceh ape azhan merepek nei..haha),opera,intenet explore,safari,mahupon goggle chrom..haha<

    kepada koranx..thank a lot sbb membaca..salam..


    Cặp đôi nắp trượt Nokia 6700 và 7230

    Nokia vừa trình làng hai mẫu nắp trượt mới, được hãng lên kế hoạch phát hành vào năm 2010 tới đây mang bí danh 6700 và 7230 thuộc dòng nắp trượt giá rẻ.

    Điện thoại Nokia 7230

    Nokia 7230 có kích thước 98 x 48 x 14.75mm, hoạt động trên băng tần quad-band GSM và hỗ trợ cả tri-band 3G. Sử dụng hệ điều hành Symbian S40 và được trang bị một màn hình hiển thị TFT có kích thước 2.4-inch (hỗ trợ độ phân giải 240×320), một camera 3.2 megapixel, đài FM và khe cắm thẻ nhớ microSD (kèm theo máy là thẻ nhớ 2GB), kết nối USB và Bluetooth.

    Dự kiến, Nokia 7230 sẽ ra mắt trong quý I-2010 với 2 phiên bản màu bạc chì và đỏ hồng với giá bán là 100 euro (2.67 triệu VND), trước thuế.

    Trong khi đó, điện thoại Nokia 6700 Slide sẽ mang trên mình các màu sắc hồng, xanh, nhôm, trắng vôi, tím và cũng dựa trên nền tảng Symbian. Nokia 6700 Slide có thiết kế với kích thước 95.2 x 46 x 15.9 mm, trọng lượng nặng 110 gram. Máy được trang bị màn hình có kích thước 2.2-inch (hỗ trợ khả năng hiển thị 240×320 pixel), một camera 5 megapixel với thấu kính Carl Zeiss và đèn flash LED kép, trang bị 45MB bộ nhớ trong và một khe cắm thẻ nhớ microSD, hỗ trợ đài FM, kết nối USB, Bluetooth 2.1.

    Điện thoại Nokia 6700 Slide

    Dự kiến, 6700 Slide sẽ xuất hiện vào quý I-2010 với giá bán là 160 euro (4.3 triệu VND), trước thuế.

    Theo Tuổi Trẻ

    Các tin khác:

    • Bộ đôi điện thoại Nokia S40 giá rẻ
    • Nokia bỏ Symbian và chọn Maemo cho N-series
    • Nokia N97 mini và E72 được bán tại Việt Nam


    Monday, November 23, 2009

    ¡Nokia n93, compacto y eficiente!

    El Nokia N93 es un celular robusto, grueso y compacto, de aspecto similar al de las cámaras actuales de video, al contrario de los celulares actuales, que tienden a ser delgados.

    No es el típico celular que uno compraría por su modelo sino por sus funciones, es ideal para sacar fotos y videos, no posee tantas características como el iPhone o el BlackBerry Pearl, pero es un teléfono duradero, compacto y perfectamente eficiente en las funciones que posee.


    • Cámara de fotos de 3.2 Megapíxeles.
    • Óptica Carl Zeiss.
    • Zoom óptico de 3 aumentos.
    • Zoom digital de 20 aumentos.
    • Vídeo en calidad DVD.
    • Salida de TV.
    • Estabilizador digital de la imagen.
    • Licencia de Adobe Premiere Elements 2.0.
    • Ranura para tarjetas miniSD de hasta 2 GB.
    • Pantalla de 2.4 pulgadas con ángulo de visión de 160 grados.
    • Función de reproducción de audio.
    • Sintonizador de radio FM.
    • Teléfono tribanda (900/1800/1900 MHz).
    • Conectividad WIFi, 3G (WCDMA 2100 MHz) y EDGE.
    • Sistema oprativo S60 3rd Edition.
    • 50 MB de memoria interna.


    Friday, November 20, 2009

    Nokia 5530 – Experience Multimedia in Mobile as Never Before

    The new Nokia 5530 is one handy mobile which is more than just a communication device. Multimedia features make it even more appealing in addition to its stylish looks and trendy useful features.

    Crystal Clear Audio

    Nokia 5530 has impeccable audio clarity and has frequency range which is great for producing distortion free sound quality which is highly appreciated by all. It has very high levels of audio ranges and the quality of sound is progressively improved.

    More Improved Multimedia Player

    The music player has designated options which are more than just improved functionalities. The touch screen with interfaces that are most delightful and pretty in appearance is the eye catcher. Music list can be automatically sorted out as per genres, album, artist and composer and searching songs from the playlist is quite simple. Users can also create their own playlist very easily.

    Tracks can be added to the playlist in no time with the refreshing button. People can also upload music through PC suite software and there is also a provision to change and skip tracks, or switch over to media player menu through media key. The music player is able to play various formats of audio files. The Nokia 5530 comes with five preloaded equalizer settings to enhance the quality of sound and one can even adjust the settings as per their choices.

    Nokia 5530 can automatically set the video files to formats which are supported by the player. With the Video center or Real player, one can even save the video file in phone memory or in MicroSD cards and can stream online video content.

    Fine Tuned FM Reception

    Audio reception in Frequency modulation bandwidth is quite good and has user friendly interface with automatic scanning and saving facility of available channels in particular location. Alternative modulations can be scanned through RDS application. Portable handy device will automatically scan and switch over to frequencies of selected channels while travelling. The RDS settings are projected nicely on the screen and the name of channel and its frequency range is displayed in cool texts across the screen. So, opt for Nokia 5530 and experience admirable multimedia features.

    Wednesday, November 18, 2009

    Unlocked NOKIA N79 BLACK


    Nokia, with the N79 manages to cram a ton of great technology into an easy to carry candybar model. Available in two colors, this phone looks great and functions very well. Anyone would do well to incorporate this into their mobile lifestyle. If you are a person looking for a sleek phone to keep up with your bust lifestyle, look no further than the N79.
    his phone has a wonderful Quad-Band GSM connection to keep you in touch with your closest contacts. Taking advantage of the newest technology available, there is a Dual-Band 3G connection in order to download files at a fast rate. Nokia never short-hands when it comes to dealing out the latest advancements in cell phone technology and the N79 is a prime example of that promise.
    Read more……….

    Monday, November 16, 2009

    Jbak Taskman v1.0 R18

    O melhor gerenciador de tarefas que existe atualmente acaba de recer uma atualização o Jbak Taskman vai para a versão v1.0 R18. O Jbak Taskman é indispensável para qualquer pessoa que tenha um celular rodando Symbian.

    Dentre as inúmeras funções, a principal funcionalidade é fechar aplicativos que estejam rodando em segundo plano sem a necessidade deles estarem

    abertos, isso pode ser muito útil quando algum aplicativo trava e você não consegue fechá-lo, diminuindo assim o consumo de memória RAM do celular.

    Funciona em celulares que rodam Symbian S60v3 e S60v5 como 5530, 5800 e N97.

    Para fazer o download clique aqui.


    The main preferences of using Nokia Nseries Nokia N72 is its network support along with internet wireless browsing with WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML browser and GPRS Class 10 (4+1/3+2 slots), 32 – 48 kbps & EDGE Class 10, 236.8 kbps. Nokia N72 is a lustrous and well-dressed gathering to the Nokia Nseries range. The frozen pack up of N72 has high presentation multimedia at and wrap in a stunning blueprint. Nokia N72has enabled 2 megapixels with resolution of 1600 x 1200 pixels with a built-in flash, enables you to capture images still in low beam circumstances. Its Music player is sustaining MP3/AAC/MPEG4 player formats gives you the distraction along with dissimilar videos playing alternative.

    Friday, November 13, 2009


    Am o mica… de fapt nu-i mica. O MAAARE PROBLEMA!! Mi s-a umflat bateria telefonului. Pentru cei ce nu stiu, e un nokia n82 luat acum 1 an si 3 luni de la emag. Bateria este cea originala. Este vreo problema a bateriilor din seria BP-6MT? Am gasit pe net ca seria fara T in coada ar avea problema asta, dar nimeni cu n82 nu pare sa se mai fi vaitat.

    Problema e ca s-a umflat atat de tare incat acum abia mai scot capacul. Si mi-e frica sa nu cumva sa se mai umfle mai mult. In cel mai rau caz, explodeaza…

    Daca stie cineva care e treaba, ma poate ajuta si pe mine sa inteleg din ce cauza mi s-a intamplat asta si sa-mi spuna daca e vreun risc?

    Persaingan Smartphone Makin Meningkat

    image by

    PENJUALAN smartphone atau dikenal dengan telepon pintar saat ini makin bersaing kuat.

    Smartphone memang mempunyai perbedaan dari handphone dan PDA biasanya, selain dari bentuk dan ukuran juga terletak pada sistem operasi (OS), kualitas audio, fitur serta kemudahaan pengoperasian.

    “Dari hasil pengamatan IDC, penjualan smartphone mencapai 4.2 persen dari tahun ke tahun semakin meningkat di kuarter ketiga 2009″, seperti yang dikutip oleh

    Hal ini terlihat dari vendor Nokia, vendor handset terbesar masih berada di posisi atas dengan market share 37.9 persen dan penjualan produknya mencapai 16.4 juta unit, dan di term kedua dari tahun ke tahun mengalami peningkatan sebesar 6.6 persen.

    Sementara itu dilain pihak seperti RIM, vendor smartphone ternama telah mengalami peningkatan sebesar 37.5 persen untuk penjualan produk BlackBerry.

    Produk BlackBerry Tour dan Curve juga mengalami peningkatan tajam di kuarter kempat 2009, khususnya di Amerika Utara. Sementara untuk Apple memiliki jarak yang sangat jauh dengan RIM, yakni di posisi ketiga di bawah RIM, dengan oeningkatan 7 persen. Apple masih mengandalkan iPhone 3GS untuk meraih market share lebih banyak.

    Sedangkan untuk pendatang baru seperti HTC juga meningkat 14.7 persen, berada di posisi kedua di atas Apple. HTC juga masih mengandalkan Android, dibandingkan Windows Mobile. Sedangkan di peringkat top lima paling bawah ada Samsung yang masih tetap datar dari tahun ke tahun.[AK/bnc]

    Wednesday, November 11, 2009

    Nova propaganda do N900

    Desde que comecei a usar o Linux em meados de 2007, tenho visto o Ubuntu crescer e se tornar uma das mais famosas distribuições do mundo. Mas nada se compara ao hype em torno do Nokia N900 e, consequentemente, do Maemo.

    Para quem não sabe, o N900 é o novo celular “faz-tudo” da Nokia e seu sistema operacional é o Maemo que, por sua vez, é baseado em Linux. Vejam abaixo uma imagem da nova interface da versão do Maemo que vai a bordo do N900.

    A Nokia vem fazendo um trabalho de marketing muito bom para essa nova geração dos seus celulares, já enviou exemplares para alguns seletos bloggers com alguma antecedência para que os reviews do celular e do Maemo 5 inundassem a Internet antes mesmo de o celular.

    Então ontem, não mais que de repente, surge um vídeo da campanha de TV do N900. E parece que Nokia está querendo sugerir que o celular foi criado por aliens! Veja abaixo o vídeo.

    Ao que tudo indica, it’s gonna be huge!

    Via rodrigostoledo

    Nokia N900 Se acerca su lanzamiento

    El nuevo terminal de Nokia el N900, ve cada día más cerca su lanzamiento, es así como lo en la página del Proyecto Maemo (Sistema Operativo que corre), se puede ver la campaña de expectativa.

    Además la Web Oficial es bastante imponente, algo que merece esté dispositivo.

    Que con su procesador ARM Cortex A8, que corre algunas instrucciones SSE, y Aceleradora 3D, no desmerece a la hora de competir con un Computador, sin dejar a un lado todas las ventajas de un Móvil como lo es su Portabilidad, y Conectividad.

    Su gran pantalla de 3.5 Pulgadas con 800 x 480 pixeles, tiene todo para dar una gran experiencia al Usuario.

    Está es la Tabla de Especificaciones Oficial de este Terminal. (tomada de GSMARENA)

    General 2G Network GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 3G Network HSDPA 1700 / 2100 / 900 Announced 2009, August Status Available. Released Exp. release 2009, November Size Dimensions 110.9 x 59.8 x 18 mm, 113 cc Weight 181 g Display Type TFT resistive touchscreen, 16M colors Size 800 x 480 pixels, 3.5 inches - Proximity sensor for auto turn-off- Accelerometer sensor for auto-rotate- Full QWERTY keyboard Sound Alert types Vibration; MP3 ringtones Speakerphone Yes, with stereo speakers - 3.5 mm audio jack Memory Phonebook Practically unlimited entries and fields, Photocall Call records Detailed, max 30 days Internal 32 GB storage, 256 MB RAM Card slot microSD (TransFlash), up to 16GB, buy memory Data GPRS Class 32 HSCSD Yes EDGE Class 32 3G HSDPA, 10Mbps; HSUPA, 2Mbps WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g, DLNA Bluetooth Yes, v2.1 with A2DP Infrared port Yes USB Yes, v2.0 microUSB Camera Primary 5 MP, 2592×1944 pixels, Carl Zeiss optics, autofocus, Dual LED flash, video light Features Geo-tagging Video Yes, WVGA(848 x 480)@25fps Secondary Yes, VGA Features OS Maemo 5 CPU ARM Cortex A8 600 MHz, PowerVR SGX graphics Messaging SMS (threaded view), Email, Push Email, IM Browser WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML, RSS feeds Radio Stereo FM radio (via third party software); FM transmitter Games Yes, Bounce, Chess, Mahjong + downloadable Colors Black GPS Yes, with A-GPS support; Ovi Maps Java No - Digital compass- MP3/WMA/WAV/eAAC+ music player- WMV/RealVideo/MP4/AVI/XviD video player- TV-out- Voice command/dial

    - Document viewer (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF)

    - Photo editor

    - T9

    Battery Standard battery, Li-Ion 1320 mAh (BL-5J) Stand-by

    Monday, November 9, 2009

    Nokia 3720 classic Unlocked

    Featuring Nokia 3720 that has such slim design and spontaneous feature that has ever been presented by other companies as Nokia has presented. 3720 is featuring music player and camera which is one of best features and combination as it has camera of 2 MP with resolution of 1600×1200 pixels, LED flash, which gives you very good images. Ti has also included music player of MP3/eAAC+/WMA player and MP4 player for amazing music entrainment.

    Friday, November 6, 2009

    Eu só queria usar a rede 3G

    Eu, assim como a maioria das pessoas tenho uma relação muito íntima com a internet; o meu trabalho depende disso e parte da minha diversão também, então nada mais natural do que passar muitas horas conectado.

    Com o advento dos smartphones e redes 3G, a possibilidade de estar sempre conectado foi ampliado de forma agressiva, e assim eu vou levando a vida.

    Durante muito tempo eu usava as redes 3G apenas no celular, e recentemente eu acabei expandido o uso para os computadores também, porém usar um telefone como modem acaba não sendo uma boa idéia, pois o consumo da bateria é impressionante e torna essa faceta dos smartphones quase nula.

    Diante desse drama venho considerando adquirir um modem 3G USB já há bastante tempo, mas como a maior parte do uso desta tecnologia era no celular eu ainda protelava a compra, até que um dia passando pela loja da Vivo vi que eles disponibilizam um modem gratuitamente.

    Eu tenho alguma confiança na Nokia, uso seus produtos há bastante tempo e adquirir o Nokia Internet Stick CS-10 (é uma das opções de fabricante) me deixou bastante animado.

    Chego em casa pronto para iniciar os testes, e aí veio o primeiro golpe, o tempo de ativação da linha para dados é de 24h a 48h, informação crítica que a atendente deixou de fornecer.

    Passado o prazo lá vou eu novamente tentar navegar na grande rede e… Mas um duro golpe, por alguma razão a autenticação insiste em falhar, ligo para Vivo e depois de aproximadamente 40min ouvindo o fino da música clássica e as melhores promoções da operadora, consigo falar com um atendente.

    Testes na linha, no modem e não sei o que; enfim, vou ficar “inoperante” nas redes móveis por até cinco dias (o prazo é de três a cinco dias), se levarmos em conta às 48h de “ativação da linha”, poderemos ter sete dias úteis de espera.

    Isso mesmo, para quem sonhava em sair da loja navegando, esperar aproximadamente sete dias úteis é extremamente frustrante.

    Espero que tudo se resolva logo, quando a situação estiver estável conto mais um pouco da experiência com o modem e a quantas anda a cobertura 3G da Vivo.

    Opel / GM - wieder wird der Steuerzahler verarscht

    Monatelang wurde Verhandelt – Monatelang wurde mit dem Geld des Steuerzahlers gewirtschaftet und nun macht GM einen Rückzieher und möchte seine Tochter Opel nun doch behalten.

    In den USA soll GM aus der Insolvenz herausgegangen sein und leicht gestärkt wieder im Automonopoly mitmischen. Ob ein Investor wie Magma oder auch jemand anderes das Ruder für die Opelaner besser geführt hätte, lassen wir mal dahingestellt… aber was gerade vor unseren Augen passiert ist das so ähnlich wie der Fall Nokia in Deutschland, über den heute kaum noch jemand redet.

    Es gab Gelder vom Staat und dann hatte Nokia seinen Standort in Deutschland aufgelöst. Ob die seinerzeitigen Gelder zurückgezahlt wurden, weiß ich aktuell nicht – ich weiß nur das ich kein Handy mehr von Nokia kaufe. Wir Deutschen gehören zu Nokias wichtigsten Abnehmern und was macht der Konzern, verlegt einfach die Arbeitsplätze woanders hin und wieder stehen Menschen auf der Straße weil es woanders ein paar Cent billiger ist. So zumindetens ist das bei mir so hängen geblieben…

    Nun ist das mit Opel etwas anders gelagert, aber die Aktion ist ähnlich… es gab Geld -  um die Insolvenz abzuwenden und die “schlechte” Zeit zu überbrücken… und nun fühlt die Geschäftsführung in Detroit sich wieder stark genug es mit dem deutschen Bürger/ Regierung aufzunehmen und bricht alle Verkaufsverhandlungen – die Bestandteil ( soweit ich weiß ) der Bedinungen des Kredites waren – ab.

    Als Unternehmer legitim… man taktiert, man verhandelt, man macht das beste draus… und wenn eine andere Lösung besser ist, dann nimmt man diese… !

    ABER aus Moralischer Sicht ist das eine andere Schiene, ich denke dabei an die vielen Mitarbeiter die Ihren Beitrag zur Sanierung von Opel Deutschland geleistet haben, all die Hoffnungen die mit einem mal dahin schmelzen und nun auch noch die Drohungen das einzelne Werke geschlossen werden und auch hier Menschen in die Arbeitslosigkeit entlassen werden sollen, wie es die Medien berichten… Alles in allem für die Menschen eine Sch… Situation.

    Opel / GM schuldet uns wie es die Medien berichtet haben 1,5 Mrd. Euro…

    Nun soll über die Rückzahlung verhandelt werden…  Wenn ein normaler Unternehmer Gelder aufnimmt und dieses unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen erhält und sich daran nicht hält, wird das Geld sofort zur Rückzahlung fällig – anderfalls wird gepfändet…

    Gehört Opel uns damit nicht schon?

    Es wird doch wohl in der Bundesrepublik jemanden geben der den Konzern wieder zu einer Geldmaschine machen kann. Die Autos die aus den Opelwerken kommen sind gut und was gut ist, läßt sich auch verkaufen… und wer gutes verkauft – der verkauft normalerweise viel – und viel bedeutet Umsatz und normalerweise auch Gewinn.

    Tatsache ist doch eines, ( würde Willi jetzt sagen) immer mehr Firmen gehen ins Ausland und verkaufen Ihre Produkte weiter fleissig im deutschen Markt und tatsächlich wird das Geld der meisten Bundesbürger und auch der jeweiligen Regierung immer weniger…

    Denn Rest lasse ich mal offen, bevor mich noch jemand für meine Meinung verklagt… und sollte mich jemand für meine Meinung doch verklagen wollen… Danke für die Werbung!


    Ingo Schacht

    Wednesday, November 4, 2009

    Motorola Droid first impressions

    It’s been less than a week since the Motorola Droid unexpectedly landed on my doorstep after making quite a fuss on the intertubes. So it’s time for a reality check.

    Does this über phone live up to all the hype? The short answer: yes, absolutely! Does it challenge the mighty Nokia N900 to the throne of geekdom? The long answer: possibly, maybe…

    If the iPhone is the device for the masses, and the N900 the device for the hackers, then the Droid is the device for the nerds.

    Curves vs. edges, shiny vs. matte, simple vs. tweakable, closed vs. open, OS X vs. Android, Apple vs. Google, GSM vs. CDMA, AT&T vs. Verizon, virtual vs. physical keyboard, sealed vs. removable battery – the Droid is the anti-iPhone

    What’s hot:
    - Slim, retro design
    - Awesome display (3.7″, 848×480 resolution)
    - Fast, responsive UI
    - Android 2.0 (Eclair)
    - Google Navigation (the killer app)
    - Multiple Google accounts (mail, contacts, calendar)
    - Built-in Facebook support (contacts)
    - Exchange support
    - Dedicated two-stage camera button
    - DVD-quality video recording

    What’s not:
    - No multitouch
    - Problems with camera auto-focus
    - Average keyboard
    - No built-in Twitter support (Twidroid not pre-installed)
    - No built-in Flickr support
    - No Bluetooth or USB DUN
    - CDMA only

    Friday, October 30, 2009

    Bang Bang, Nokia n-Gage: You're Dead

    Bang, bang, n-Gage: you’re dead. Again. Maybe for the last time. Here’s a short look at your meaningless life.

    You were born but a hyped, sidetalking Taco. Then, after we had our laughs for several years, papa Nokia ditched your dedicated hardware and opened it up to phones of all kinds—as long as they said N-O-K-I-A on them. It was a smart move. Because you sell lots of phones, and if your gaming platform was to live, it needed to be on as many of those as possible. It looked ok at this point, as a platform and service. And the hardware was nice at times. But that didn’t change the fact that no one I know ever talked about you, n-Gage, much less played with you. The button layouts, games and online vs modes never really came together as well as you’d liked in terms of people buying and using it. Why? I don’t know. I guess, at least in America, we couldn’t get the handsets for less than the price of 5 Nintendo DSes. But beyond that, you never had any games that people cared about, despite having signed up companies like EA so easily because papa Nokia was still number one. And every year at E3, your booth was like a buzz-vacuum. So, I can’t say we’ll miss you. We hardly knew you were there. But let’s just chalk this up to more high end consumer failure to excite at Nokia, which has been a trend of late.

    I’m done. Honestly, this much word count on nGage is charity, even as a farewell. See ya. Hope we never have to see you again. But the word is, you’ll probably just fold some games of yours into a general app store. The dead never stay dead for long in the gadget game.

    Wednesday, October 28, 2009

    Hello Humans: DROID by Motorola Arrives Next Week

    Verizon Wireless DROID By Motorola: World’s First Smartphone with Android™ 2.0
    October 28, 2009

    BASKING RIDGE, N.J., and LIBERTYVILLE, Ill. – High-speed Web browsing, voice-activated search, customizable large screen, access to thousands of Android applications and hundreds of widgets and the best 3G mobile network in the country: DROID by Motorola arrives on Nov. 6.

    Verizon Wireless, the company with the nation’s largest wireless 3G broadband network, and Motorola, Inc. (NYSE: MOT), a pioneer in the mobile industry, today unveiled DROID by Motorola, the first smartphone powered by Android™ 2.0. DROID by Motorola features the brainpower and breakneck speed of a modern smartphone, designed to outperform where other smartphones fall short.

    “We’re proud to work with Verizon Wireless and Google™ on the first smartphone to feature Android 2.0,” said Sanjay Jha, co-chief executive officer of Motorola and chief executive officer of Motorola Mobile Devices. “DROID by Motorola delivers a rich consumer experience with warp-speed Web browsing, a mammoth screen, and Motorola’s expertise in design and voice quality. Combined with Android’s open, flexible graphical user interface and the power of Verizon Wireless’ 3G network, DROID is a smartphone that simply doesn’t compromise.”

    “This is an exciting announcement for Verizon Wireless, as the DROID by Motorola is the first device that we are bringing to market under our ground-breaking strategic partnership with Google,” said John Stratton, executive vice president and chief marketing officer for Verizon Wireless. “DROID by Motorola gives customers a lifestyle device with access to more than 12,000 applications that will help them stay in touch, up to date and entertained, using the best 3G network in the country.”

    DROID by Motorola has a solid exterior, intelligent interior and is one of the thinnest full-QWERTY slider phones available. It is a no-fuss, high-tech, location-aware, voice-recognizing, over-the-air updating, multi-tasking machine – and it is available just in time for holiday wish lists.

    With DROID by Motorola, you can:

    * Zip through the Web: Access the Internet at 3G speeds via the nation’s largest and most reliable 3G network or from any Wi-Fi hotspot. The multi-window HTML browser with a massive processor delivers the Web the way you expect.
    * See it all in cinema-style: View the Web, e-mail, Google Maps™, videos and more in widescreen on a brilliant 3.7” high-resolution screen. Boasting a width of 854 pixels to reduce the need for side-to-side panning and more than 400,000 pixels total, DROID has more than twice that of the leading competitor.
    * Run multiple applications at once: Customize your DROID with thousands of applications and hundreds of widgets available on Android Market™. Toggle back and forth between up to six applications at a time to juggle the universe and your apps.
    * Perform Google Search™ at the speed of sound: Simply tell DROID what you’re looking for using voice-activated search, and it will serve up Google search results based on your location. If you want more, simply type what you’re looking for into the search bar on the home screen and DROID will also search content on your phone, such as apps and contacts, and the Web.
    * Capture moments: Snap digital camera-quality photos with a 5 megapixel camera loaded with the works, such as a dual-LED flash, AutoFocus and image stabilization, or capture your friend’s antics in 16 million colors with DVD-quality video capture and playback. Store it all on the included 16 GB memory card, so you always have it on hand.
    * Multi-task like a master: Keep tabs on all your messages with integrated Gmail™ and Exchange e-mail pushed directly to you, but don’t let them get in your way. With the handy Android notification panel, go straight to the message or simply ignore it, and get back to the task at hand. And, a smart dictionary learns as you type and automatically includes your contacts.
    * Get where you need to go with Google Maps Navigation (Beta): DROID is the first device with Google Maps Navigation, providing turn-by-turn voice guidance as a free feature of Google Maps. It’s powered by Google and connected to the Internet. Use voice shortcuts and simply say “Navigate to [your destination],” and you’ll be on your way. See live traffic, use Street View or satellite imagery to view your route, and get access to the most recent maps and business information from Google Maps without ever needing to update your device.

    Pre-loaded Applications and Enhancements to Google Mobile Services:

    * Google Maps: With layers in Google Maps, view geographic information, such as My Maps, Wikipedia, and transit lines, right on the map.
    * Gmail: Multiple accounts support and undo for common operations.
    * YouTube™: One-touch recording and playback from homescreen widget or app, one-touch sharing with friends, and the ability to view your own uploaded videos and high-resolution videos.
    * Google Talk™: Easily switch between chats, search your chat history, and preview pictures and videos sent by links.
    * Android Market: Browse and download applications created by third-party developers.
    * Calendar: Ability to see who has R.S.V.P.’d to your meeting invitations.
    * Facebook: Syncs Facebook contacts to your address book, and a live widget gives the ability to update status and view latest updates from friends.
    * Amazon MP3 Store: Download the latest tracks over the air.
    * Verizon Wireless Visual Voice Mail: Delete, reply and forward voice mail messages without having to listen to prior messages or voice instructions.

    Pricing and Availability:

    * DROID by Motorola will be available in the United States exclusively at Verizon Wireless Communications Stores and online on Friday, Nov. 6, for $199.99 with a new two-year customer agreement after a $100 mail-in rebate. Customers will receive the rebate in the form of a debit card; upon receipt, customers may use the card as cash anywhere debit cards are accepted.
    * Experience the all-new DROID by Motorola at
    * To get the most from DROID by Motorola smartphone, customers will need to subscribe to a Nationwide voice plan and an Email and Web for Smartphone plan. Nationwide voice plans begin at $39.99 for monthly access for 450 minutes and an Email and Web for Smartphone plan is $29.99 for monthly access.
    * For additional information on Verizon Wireless products and services, visit a Verizon Wireless Communications Store, call 1-800-2 JOIN IN or go to

    (EDITOR’S NOTE: Media can access high-resolution images of the DROID by Motorola in the Verizon Wireless Multimedia Library at

    About Verizon Wireless

    Verizon Wireless operates the nation’s most reliable and largest wireless voice and 3G data network, serving 89 million customers. Headquartered in Basking Ridge, N.J., with 85,000 employees nationwide, Verizon Wireless is a joint venture of Verizon Communications (NYSE: VZ) and Vodafone (NYSE and LSE: VOD). For more information, visit To preview and request broadcast-quality video footage and high-resolution stills of Verizon Wireless operations, log on to the Verizon Wireless Multimedia Library at

    About Motorola

    Motorola is known around the world for innovation in communications and is focused on advancing the way the world connects. From broadband communications infrastructure, enterprise mobility and public safety solutions to high-definition video and mobile devices, Motorola is leading the next wave of innovations that enable people, enterprises and governments to be more connected and more mobile. Motorola (NYSE: MOT) had sales of US $30.1 billion in 2008. For more information, please visit

    Le point sur la bataille Apple vs Nokia

    Nous l’apprenions la semaine passée, Nokia Corp. attaque  Apple pour violation de sa propriété intellectuelle. En questions, 10 brevets de l’entreprise finlandaise pour lesquels Apple n’aurait pas payé de licences et couvrant des technologies mises en oeuvre dans toutes les générations d’iPhone (wireless data, speech coding, security and encryption).

    Un article publié hier par Reuters apporte quelques précisions intéressantes sur l’affaire. Voici les quelques points saillants:

    • Cette plainte est une première carte jouée par Nokia face à un acteur qu’elle n’a pas vu venir. Apple n’est déjà plus un nain sur le marché et le contentieux oppose donc deux “Goliath”.
    • Selon Bill Merritt (InterDigital, une entreprise spécialisée dans les licences pour mobiles), l’affaire pourrait durer plus d’une année.
    • Dans un rapport officiel (10-K), Apple dit être entrain de se défendre dans plus de 47 cas d’attaques pour violation de propriété intellectuelle dont 27 ont été déclenchées en 2009. Pour certains de ces cas, Apple considère la “désirabilité” d’entrer dans un accord de licence.
    • Comme Apple est l’un des derniers entrants dans le marché très verrouillé de la téléphonie et que sa propriété intellectuelle dans ce domaine est très restreinte, la firme de Cupertino est vraisemblablement le plus gros payeur de licence de cette industrie.
    • La plupart des analystes estiment que la bataille entre Apple et Nokia est moins importante que celle qui a opposé Nokia à Qualcomm entre 2005 et 2008 et que, malgré que l’on en parle beaucoup, elle ne reconfigurera pas cette industrie.
    • Toujours selon Merritt, la question cruciale sera de déterminer les royalties, vu que l’iPhone a un prix de vente moyen ($566 dans le dernier trimestre) bien supérieur à ce qui se fait habituellement dans la branche. Durant la même période, le prix de vente moyen des produits Nokia a été de $92.30. Interdigital, qui a un accord de licence avec Apple, indique avoir utilisé un prix de vente moyen de l’industrie des téléphones portables pour son calcul et non le prix des produits Apple.
    • Ericsson et Qualcomm ont aussi annoncés qu’ils ont un accord de licence avec Apple, Motorola n’a pas répondu. Selon Merrit, la plupart des détenteurs de brevets majeurs de cette industrie ont un deal avec Apple.

    L’article complet et en anglais se trouve ici: Reuters

    Monday, October 26, 2009

    Nokia utbildning


    Idag har det inte varit min dag precis. Tung. Man kan väl inte alltid vara på topp.

    Efter jobbet träffades vi alla som jobbar på Tre i Göteborg på ett hotell i Göteborg för en utbildning av Nokia. Frågar man mig så är jag inget större fan av Nokia, tyvärr. Men dom kommer få riktigt schysta lurar inom en snar framtid. Den här gången har finnarna tänkt till och jag gillar funktionerna Nokia kommer ha! Grymma mobiler kommer det bli! Särskilt som företagsmobiler med grymma tre abonnemang.

    Själv trivs jag super duper bra med min Htc. Den har allt!

    Har inte så mycket mer att berätta.. Ska sova sen gå till jobbet. Jo! kommer nog flytta till Trollhättan eller Vänersborg inom en snar framtid, otippat va?

    Vad gör man inte för karriären? Allt såklart, om man vill mer än lyckas!! dah..?

    Godnatt Ciao

    Friday, October 23, 2009

    Iphone fora das lojas?

    A surpresa da ação judicial Nokia contra Apple poderia levar a iPhones sendo retirados das prateleiras. Nokia alega que a Apple utilizou-chave tecnologias em seus aparelhos sem autorização deles, e tem apresentado uma denúncia os E.U. contra eles.

    Especificamente, a Nokia alegam que:

    IPhone da Apple viola patentes da Nokia para GSM, UMTS e LAN sem fios (WLAN) padrões [..] Nokia já com sucesso entrou em acordos de licenciamento, incluindo as patentes, com aproximadamente 40 empresas, incluindo praticamente todas as principais fornecedores de dispositivos móveis [..] As patentes cobrem de dados sem fio, codificação de voz, segurança e criptografia, sendo violado por Apple todos os modelos de iPhone vendidos desde o iPhone foi introduzido em 2007 [..] Ao se recusar a concordar em termos adequados para Nokia propriedade intelectual, a Apple está tentando conseguir uma carona na parte de trás da inovação da Nokia.

    O processo em si não foi publicado, mas a Nokia poderia exigir que a Apple retira o iPhone da venda. No caso de isso soa muito forçado.

    Então, vai ainda ser iPhones nas lojas até o Natal? Quem sabe .. mas este é certamente um processo legal a pena assistir.


    A Nokia, maior fabricante de telefones celulares do mundo, processou a
    Apple por violação de patente. A empresa acusa a Apple de usar dez
    tecnologias de sua propriedade (incluindo tecnologias de transmissão de
    rede sem fio, codificação para reconhecimento de voz, segurança e
    criptografia) em três modelos do iPhone. “O princípio básico da indústria
    de celulares é que as empresas que contribuem com o desenvolvimento
    tecnológico para estabelecer padrões criam propriedade intelectual, e
    devem ser compensadas por isso”, disse Ilkka Rahnasto, vice-presidente de
    propriedade legal e intelectual da Nokia. “Espera-se que a Apple também
    siga esse princípio”, disse ele.


    Para mais informações:

     Fonte: Clube do Hardware

    Wednesday, October 21, 2009

    Videos: Nokia N900 Camera, media app; contacts, calendar tasks; web browser; phone functionality and general walkthrough by Matthew Miller

    Mattew Miller from Nokia Experts has unleashed a tsunami of N900 videos going through each topic in much detail. You may have seen similar videos before, but the N900 with Maemo 5 is such a new platform for Nokia as a phone; there’s much for everyone to learn – good/bad/improvements necessary – from avid bloggers to the sheep-crowd herded by Jobs.

    Camera App and Media App

    Contacts, Calendar and Tasks

    Web Browser

    Phone Functionality

    General Walkthrough

    Monday, October 19, 2009

    Technology Pot-Pourri

    In 2008 Microsoft reduced the remuneration of its top management by about 29% and has frozen wages for 2010. The reason is of course the global financial crisis. Microsoft has also announced staff reductions of about 5000 as a response to a slowdown in business for 2009 of about 3% (14,6B USD in 2009, 17,7B USB in 2008).

    Nokia announced 559M Euro losses (for the first time in a decade) due to a 20% reduction in mobile handset business caused by consumers’ preference of the Apple Iphone rather than the Nokia N97 Smartphone. The latter losses include a one time investment expense towards NSN which further implies that Nokia plans to discontinue any further investment to NSN.

    The green revolution is making its way into the mobile communications business (aside from recyclable materials) through sun power cellular phones. Solar cell phones could build on the economic advantages that mobile phones have already brought to far-flung regions of Africa and the Indian subcontinent, including price transparency and more accurate and timely information.

    Also, thanks to Intel, Apple and Cisco, broadband mobile communication just became simpler through Wi-Fi Direct. Mobile operators have greeted this concept with reserved enthusiasm, and this puts further pressure on classical telecom infrastructure suppliers who still support in the basic architectures the 80-20% business model (more traffic implies more base stations). Specifically the new technology may impact or render obsolete the present Bluetooth technology. This supports our previous premise that ad hoc networking will eventually become mainstream and will replace the classical 80-20% business model which is still embedded in mobile architectures. And while were on the subject of radio pollution, Asef has issued an open statement warning citizens to restrict their mobile phone (or any other radio propagation based communication device) usage for health reasons. Asef claims that there is still no proof on mobile phone usage is detrimental to one’s health (the technology hasn’t been around, on mass deployment (recall 80 – 20 business model) long enough) but nevertheless recommends that citizens take a prudent approach to mobile phone usage. It goes without saying that one day a Nobel prize will be awarded to the individual or team that discovers a “green” way to telecommunicate wirelessly , a way that does not necessarily increase the medium’s (radio or otherwise) density proportionally to the traffic density requirements.

    Finally, Joost seems to have the right idea since all indications show that the market is going towards a converged infrastructure for entertainment and communication. In 1995, genius marketer Scott Zakarin convinced his crew to create a tv series that would be only broadcast through the www. With the advent of IP, fiber optics and better broadband coding techniques communication and entertainment are converging on a common platform and in no time at all we will be using common type of infrastructure and terminals for our entertainment and communication, the terminal resembling our pc, and the infrastructure being the internet (or a close relative).

    Friday, October 16, 2009

    Googlen tulos yllätti positiivisesti

    Netin ilmoitusmarkkinat ovat elpymässä, tästä todistaa Googlen 27% noussut 3Q voitto. Samoin myös IBM:n ja AMD:n tulokset yllättivät positiivisesti. Makropuoleltakin tuli tänään hyviä teollisuuslukuja.  USA:n teollisuustuotanto kasvoi syyskuussa 0,7 prosenttia (odotus 0.2). Samalla elokuun kasvulukua tarkistettiin 0,4 prosenttiyksikköä ylöspäin 1,2 prosenttiin. Teollisuuskapasiteetin käyttöaste nousi syyskuussa 70,5 prosenttiin (69,9% elokuussa), odotus oli 69.8%.

    Nokia jatkoi laskussa tänäänkin, pysyi sentään ainakin vielä yhdeksän euron päällä.

    Unboxing the Nokia N900

    Today, hot on the heels of the Nokia Booklet 3G, I received one of the most eagerly anticipated devices of the year, the Maemo 5 powered Nokia N900…

    Although I’ve barely scratched the surface, I’m pretty smitten so far. It combines the software goodness of linux, a great user experience, and Nokia’s best hardware, all in a flagship phone!

    The N900 is brilliant. It’s like the mutant offspring of the N810 and N97, but a lot meaner and faster, and with 2100/1700/900 MHz 3G instead of 2100/1900/850 MHz 3G

    Check out my unboxing pictures above, and my videos (1, 2) after the break.


    First power on:

    It’s not all perfect – my N900 drops calls for some reason (T-Mobile USA is normally rock solid), and stutters when trying to play my podcasts (Flash videos on Vimeo).

    Oh, and Nokia, where is the capacitive touchscreen?

    Wednesday, October 14, 2009

    How to: Escaping the Nokia N97 hard-reset (tips and tricks)

    Since my post, “My Nokia N97 Won’t Start!!! I don’t want to Hard Reset. (Rant)” I’ve had to hard-reset my N97 twice. I know it would probably be best to just cart it off to a repair centre and be away with it (man it sure needs to anyway as it’s picked up scratches in the camera portion and has bruises/chips/dents from the CityMan Antitheft)

    However, sending it off would mean (despite being insured) at disappearance act of at least 2 weeks- most likely requiring a SWAP. Not only is that an inconvenience (what with being away and having to contact dvelopers about my change in IMEI) but what with the now seemingly mythical V20/V2.0 firmware for the Nokia N97 supposedly coming some time this month, I don’t want to miss out on maybe THAT fixing myN97 problem.

    Several people have mentioned leaving the battery out for a long while and replacing it. That didn’t work for me (switched to my housemates’s iPhone for 2 hours…ooh that thing was glorious!) So what to do to avoid having to do a hard-reset and lose all your data?

    How to avoid/fix the hard reset

    Here are some methods you might want to try out, not 100% certain on effectiveness, but worth a try maybe just in case it helps you avoid hard-resetting. They are individual methods, not a sequence of instructions.

    1. Re-install v12.0.024 firmware. I did this (on the 11th it seems – thank god for twitter acting remembering when/where/what I did for me!). to sort out a another problem I had with the N97.  This is more of a preventative measure.

    2. If you see the blue Nokia logo for far too long (I’ve grown to hate seeing it at is means I may need to hard reset – anything past 40 seconds is abnormal) and no matter how long you wait it won’t start, try cycling these restart motions,

    • Battery out,in; memory card out – start
    • Battery out,in; memory card in – start

    Today, my N97 did the whole “blue nokia logo for 5 minutes = you need hard reset”. But somehow, taking the memory card out, and back in, and back out, and back in I managed to get the phone to turn on.

    3. Try and avoid re-installing certain software. It’s possible a misinstalled app on the mass memory that once reinstalled causes these logo-screen-of-death to appear.

    You can narrow it down next time by RESTARTING before you reinstall your next application. Then avoid installing that back the next time.

    4. Wipe clean the MASS MEMORY and also maybe PHONE MEMORY. As in (3.) there is a possibility that there isn’t an underlying hardware fault but a misinstalled file, messing up your N97. It won’t go away with a hard reset as it only wipes phone memory (fortunately as that means not 100% data loss).

    Do this in file manager>[open]>Options>Format mass memory.

    Before doing this, Try maybe backing up E:Mass Memory with the PC Suite, “backup”, just in case it doesn’t help.  I haven’t tried but will as a last resort if V20 does not fix the problem and THEN I’ll send it away for a repair/swap.


    Whilst we’re on the subject of backing up; a good thing to try is to set the memory card to “BACKUP DAILY AT A TIME YOU SPECIFY”.

    You do this within file manager>backup.

    Make sure you set it at a time where you’re N97 is most likely on full charge. Perhaps early morning just before you leave for work/classes.


    If you have escaped a hard-reset by other means, please comment below on what you did.

    Level radiasi handphone secara umum.

    Dear Friends,

    Terlampir artikel dari CNET mengenai level radiasi HP.  Btw, BlackBerry termasuk loh.  ^_^

    Jadilah yang pertama, menjual handphone dengan efek radiasi paling kecil [bahkan “tidak ada”], mau tahu caranya?  Contact us donk.

    Have a great day.



    *Cell phone radiation levels*

    By CNET staff (updated July 31, 2009)

    *What it all means*

    According to the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA), /specific absorption rate/, or SAR, is “a way of measuring the quantity of radio frequency (RF) energy that is absorbed by the body.”

    For a phone to pass FCC certification, that phone’s maximum SAR level must be less than 1.6 watts per kilogram. In Europe, the level is capped at 2W/kg while Canada allows a maximum of 1.6W/kg. The SAR level listed in our charts represents the highest SAR level with the phone next to the ear as tested by the FCC. Keep in mind that it is possible for the SAR level to vary between different transmission bands and that different testing bodies can obtain different results. Also, it’s possible for results to vary between different editions of the same phone (such as a handset that’s offered by multiple carriers).

    It’s important to note that in publishing this list are we in no way implying that cell phone use is or isn’t harmful to your health. While research abounds and some tests have shown that cell phone radiofrequency (RF) could accelerate cancer in laboratory animals, the studies have not been replicated. Cell phones can affect internal pacemakers, but there is not conclusive or demonstrated evidence that they cause adverse health affects in humans. Conversely, there is not conclusive or demonstrated evidence that they /don’t/ cause adverse health affects in humans. So, in short, the jury is still out, research is ongoing, and we will continue to monitor its results.

    If your phone isn’t listed here (U.S. customers) and you’ve purchased it within the last few years (the FCC Web site currently does not provide information on models certified before 1998), you can request the SAR information from the manufacturer or your carrier. You’ll need the model number and FCC ID number, which is usually but not always listed in your owner’s manual or under your phone’s battery (you must pop the battery out). For links to the FCC’s Web site, please see the More Resources section below. We’ll continue to update the list as new phones are announced. To be the first to know when we’ve added more phones, subscribe to the CNET Mobile Weekly newsletter.

    *20 highest U.S. models

    *20 highest U.S. models

    *20 lowest U.S. models

    *Audiovox/UTStarcom *

    *Kyocera *

    *LG *

    *Motorola *

    *Nokia *

    *Palm *

    *Pantech *

    *RIM *

    *Samsung *

    *Sanyo *

    *Siemens *

    *Sony Ericsson


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    Friday, October 9, 2009

    Стартовало бета-тестирование антивируса ESET NOD32 Mobile для ОС Symbian

    Компания ESET сообщила о начале бета-тестирования версии Антивируса ESET NOD32 Mobile для платформы ОС Symbian. Сегодня операционная система Symbian занимает лидирующую позицию среди платформ для мобильных устройств и используется более чем на 20 миллионах смартфонов по всему миру, в том числе на аппаратах таких производителей, как Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola и др. Популярность ОС Symbian не осталась незамеченной злоумышленниками, поэтому телефоны на данной платформе стали первыми жертвами вирусописателей.

    Антивирус ESET NOD32 Mobile – единственное на российском рынке решение для защиты мобильных устройств, использующее технологии проактивной защиты. Специальная технология ESET ThreatSense, адаптированная под мобильные устройства, позволяет распознавать не только известное вредоносное ПО, но также новые программы, способные нанести вред мобильному устройству, похитить ценную информацию или снять деньги со счета пользователя. Для защиты от рекламных и мошеннических сообщений используется настраиваемый пользователем спам-фильтр.  Все подозрительные файлы помещаются в раздел «карантин», и пользователь может по своему усмотрению восстановить их или удалить.

    Эвристический анализатор ESET NOD32 Mobile сканирует на наличие вредоносного кода не только встроенную память мобильного устройства, но и подключаемые к нему сменные носители. Реализована проверка архивных файлов с возможностью настройки глубины сканирования вложенных архивов.

    Скачать бета-версию ESET NOD32 Mobile для ОС Symbian можно здесь.


    Wednesday, October 7, 2009

    Video: Nokia N900 Calendar presented by the Maemo5 UI team

    The calendar app on the N900 is the best iteration of a Nokia Calendar app on a Nokia Mobile Device. On its own merit, visually it looks pretty good; full screen with some slick transitions. Having a really crap calendar experience with S60 5th Edition makes this look even better for me (was that the case, Nokia? Put an awful calendar with Symbian so Maemo 5 and an obvious solution of full screen calendar looks good?)

    I really like that date/time-wheels (01:00). Instead of typing in digits, you just scroll and select dates. Again, the multitasking looks brilliant on the N900 (switching between apps is so much more convenient with the N900 than any previous Nokia devices). I like that Nokia is giving this attention so non-tech geeks can perhaps appreciate the strength of the N900’s multitasking and the convenience and productivity this brings to the user. Hopefully, these background apps won’t eat the battery up too quickly.

    They didn’t demo the multiple calendars that the N900 can handle (well they didn’t make it obvious), nor (more importantly for me) syncing with Ovi. Even if my N97 had full screen calendar that made it visually easier to use, there are still practical concerns, such as the difficulty to sync with any other digital calendars I might have unless I install additional software.

    I just want, perhaps, either automatic syncing so I’ll always have a backed up calendar (that won’t disappear/have to keep creating if I change phone/hard reset)- or at least have a simple easy access calendar sync with Ovi (or even google calendar).

    I haven’t delved into the N900’s calendar so I may be wrong – it looks really good, but I like Palm’s execution with the Pre and WebOS’ calendar better (easy syncing, concertina crimping of “free time”)