Monday, January 18, 2010

Nokia 5800 v40.0.005 Now Available via FOTA with Kinetic Scrolling!

Yes, it’s finally here!!! Nokia 5800 v40.0.005 with Kinetic Scrolling!!! Wow!  Finally Nokia heard the petitions of  Nokia 5800 users to include kinetic scrolling in their latest firmware update.

It’s true that Nokia 5800 XM, although the flagship unit for the series of touch screen phones, was always left behind when compared to the features inherent to newer phones like the 5530… but not anymore!

Personally, I was thinking of upgrading my phone to N97 Mini but after upgrading, now I’m not so sure whether it’s worth it since FW v40 already included neat features.  Here is an unofficial changelog courtesy of ww (with annonations by me):

Changelog for Firmware V40.0.005:

Kinetic Scrolling (except: main menu, application menu, browser)

- the most awaited feature; definitely an a**-kicker!

New Home-Screen (like 5530)

- only when you set your home screen theme to Contacts Bar, otherwise you’ll get the same old standby screen

Auto rotation on text input

- very convenient feature, too!  I had been hoping this would be implemented.  This is what made me think twice of upgrading to N97 mini.  This feature automatically switched to full qwerty keyboard when you tilt your phone in horizontal mode and switches back to alphanumeric keypad when in vertical position.  In v40, however, you anymore cannot force 5800 to switch to full qwerty keyboard since it was removed from the selection.  But who needs it now that the phone does it for you.

Fixes minor bugs

- it was not elaborated in the web site.  I guess, we’ll have to see this for ourselves.

Performance improvements

- haven’t noticed any difference, really… Maybe I need to reformat or something… or NOT 

New screen alarm, but only when the screen is locked

- cool feature, I hope they will implement this even when the screen is unlocked.  v40 just added new animated buttons for snooze and stop.  Unfortunately during trials, the buttons won’t respond and I had to tilt my phone face down to snooze it.  A sure hope they will fix this one.

New screen incoming call, only when the screen is locked

- UI similar to the screen alarm.


- just when thing are getting better, this major disadvantage comes through

- this will be something that may make some 5800 users think twice about upgrading to v40.  I personally tried HelloOx2 and it doesn’t work anymore but I’m sure our genius hackers can definitely find a way to hack this one although we might have to wait for a while…  So as of now, you have to decide Kinetic Scrolling or Hacked Phone…

- but fear not because all of the software (signed or unsigned) that you  have installed prior to upgrading will still be functional unless of course you performed a phone reset.

Other changes/improvements:

Ovi Contacts installed

Removed Download! (Ovi Store still available)

Replaced “Update Application” with “SW Update” as on the Nokia N97

The application “Data transfer” was also implemented in “Settings”

Real Player Updated to 12 October 2009

Touch more responsive

Improved stability

Slide to Unlock during call

If you want screenshots and videos, just click here for the direct link to post. 

All credits go to the one who posted this information on


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